Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS)2025-02-16T14:29:29+00:00Dr. Rico Nur Ilham, SE., M.M.MH.RSA.CPRM.CPFP.CPM.CPCLEradjapublika@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>This journal accepts articles on results of the research in fields of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences which are the latest issues from the results of activities or practical implementations that are problem solving, comprehensive, meaningful, latest and sustainable findings with clear goals and visionary in various activities that have innovation and creativity. So that they do not just replicate the same activities in different places but must have to measurable results and impacts for society and support the achievement of the goals set in modern human development.</p> <p>E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2808-487X</strong></a></p> <p><iframe class="preview" src="" width="100%" height="360px" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0px" marginheight="0px" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> EFFECT OF E-SERVICE QUALITY AND PERCEIVED EASE OF USE ON E-CUSTOMER LOYALTY WITH E-CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND E-TRUST AS INTERVENING VARIABLES IN DIGITAL PAYMENT INTERVENING VARIABLES ON DIGITAL PAYMENT FUNDS IN THE CITY OF MEDAN2024-12-17T05:11:02+00:00Nabawi Putri Marisa Nasutionnasutionnabawti@gmail.comArlina Nurbaity<p><em>Cashless phenomenon is noticeable as various kinds of e-wallet arise in Indonesia. E-wallet is an application used as a digital payment method, by which one is able to save money and make transactions of online or offline shopping using smartphones, one of which is Dana Application. The objective of this research is to reveal and to analyze the effects of e-service quality and perceived ease of use on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction and e-trust as the intervening variables in the digital payment of DANA in Medan, Indonesia. The population encompasses all visitors at two malls in Medan performing transactions using e-wallet of DANA. A sample size of 150 respondents are taken by using non probability sampling technique. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The research findings show that Customer Satisfaction (Z1) has positive and significant effects on E-Trust (Z2). E-Service Quality (XI) has positive and significant effects on Customer Loyalty (Y). E-Service Quality X1) has positive and significant effects on Customer Satisfaction (Z1). E-rust (Z2) has positive and significant effects on Customer Loyalty (Y). Perceived Ease of Use (X) has positive and significant effects on Customer Loyalty (X). Perceived Ease of Use (X2) has positive and significant effects on Customer Satisfaction (21). E-Service Custity (XI) has positive and significant effects on Customer Loyalty (Y) through Customer Satisfaction (Z1) and E-Trust (Z2). Customer Satisfaction (Z1) has positive and significant effects on Customer Loyalty (Y) through E-Trust (Z2). Perceived Ease of Use Sa has positive and significant affects on Customer Loyalty (Y) through Customer Satisfacion (Z1) and E-Trust (Z2). E-Service Quality (X1) has pastive and significant effects on E-Trust (Z2) through Customer Satisfaction (Z1). Perceived Ease of Use (X2) has postive and significant effects on E-Trust (Z2) through Customer Satisfaction (Z1).</em></p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nabawi Putri Marisa Nasution, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Fadli INFLUENCE OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN THE FROZEN FOOD INDUSTRY IN SAMARINDA ANALYSIS OF REPURCHASE INTENTION, BRAND AWARENESS, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CUSTOMER Lucas<p>This study aims to analyze and prove the Influence of Integrated Marketing Strategy in the Frozen Food Industry in Samarinda Analysis of Repurchase Intention, Brand Awareness, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Trust. This study used a questionnaire with a sample of 162 respondents in Samarinda City. This study uses a quantitative approach using path analysis processed with IBM SPSS Statistic 23 software and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a sampling technique of accidental random sampling. The measurement scale used in this study uses a Likert scale with a score of 1 to 5. In this study, the researcher conducted an instrument test, namely a validity test and a reliability test as well as a classical assumption test such as a normality test and a multicollinearity test which were then carried out an estimation test and a structural model fit test. Based on the structural model used in this study</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Prapdopo, Andi Nurhasanah, Johan Lucas Away, Rima Melati LEGAL ANALYSIS OF FREE SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAM IN INDONESIA2025-02-02T10:40:34+00:00Imelda Mardayanti<p>The free meal program for school children is a government policy that aims to improve children's welfare and reduce the economic burden on families. This study analyzes the legal basis that supports the program, the economic impact on families and communities, and its implementation from the perspective of economic law. This study uses a juridical-normative and empirical approach with case studies in several regions. The results show that this program has a strong legal basis, provides significant economic benefits, but faces challenges in implementation. Policy recommendations include increasing regulations, budget transparency, and strengthening oversight mechanisms.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Imelda Mardayanti PUBLIC SERVICES IN CRISIS: STRATEGIC APPROACHES FOR SOUTH AFRICAN LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES AMIDST FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS2024-12-25T00:25:49+00:00Nhlamulo Mabunda<p><em>The inability of South African municipalities to meet their financial obligations may have a substantial impact on the delivery of services to the public. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the numerous ways in which financial constraints effect the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of services provided by municipalities to the citizens in South Africa. To achieve the objectives of this paper, the author utilized a variety of resources including existing literature, journals, books, government documents, and internet sources. The research paper gives insights and potential solutions to improve service delivery within the restrictions of limited financial resources by analysing the issues, determining the core causes of those challenges, and making recommendations and conclusion. </em></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nhlamulo Mabunda N HABITS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD2025-01-09T14:42:54+00:00Evelia Khalisa Diara Nasutionkalisadiara@gmail.comZhafirah Nailatul Izzahzhafirahnaila08@gmail.comCarissa Anjani Azaliacarissazalia08@gmail.comSyaluna Jiniandrajiniandra6@gmail.comMuhammad Rizky<p>Literacy education for children today will be very useful in the future of the child. Literacy is the ability to read and write a person, literacy is very much needed in terms of life because literacy can also be interpreted as a person's skills in life. Literacy habits must be done at the earliest possible age so that children's interest in reading will be easier to form later. This literacy habit must also be supported by providing special treatment to children. This study aims to increase the concern of tutors about the importance of this special treatment. This study uses a questionnaire method that is given directly to 4th grade children with the aim of finding out which method should be given to children through children's interests. That way, children will grasp the lessons given faster and be interested in following the learning. In this study, it was concluded that children's interest in picture books was higher than black and white books.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Evelia Khalisa Diara Nasution, Zhafirah Nailatul Izzah, Carissa Anjani Azalia, Syaluna Jiniandra, Muhammad Rizky Al-Zaky OF DATA-DRIVEN LEARNING ANALYTICS AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF STUDENT LEARNING: THE MISSING PIECE OF THE PUZZLE IN A CASE STUDY2024-12-03T14:47:00+00:00Chrispen<p><em>This mixed-methods study examined the missing piece of the puzzle in transforming student learning through data-driven learning analytics. It is a case study of an open, distance, and e-learning institution in Zimbabwe. The research was a mixed methods study that used open, distance, and e-learning institution as a case study. Data was collected from the analytics generated by the learning management platform, and this was supplemented by interviews with the teaching Faculty. The results show that while learning analytics provide data visualizations on engagement and performance in this institution, there are still many missing pieces of the puzzle that prevent this institution from fully utilizing learning analytics. The results show that this institution is a long way off in building on how data intersects with human decisions, optimal use of resources to achieve learning outcomes, improvement in data infrastructure, recommendations arising from data analytics, using data analysis to adjust or enhance student learning, use of predictive and prescriptive analytics, monitoring student course activity in real-time, </em><em>using personal data tracking to support learning, among</em><em> others. The research concludes that learning </em><em>analytics improve teaching and learning through the quality of teaching, quality of monitoring, quality of feedback, and quality of data-driven decision-making among others. The institution under study is still grappling with the missing piece of the puzzle to </em><em>tap into the extensive learning data to transform student learning. These areas are</em><em> discussed in this paper.</em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Chrispen Chiome EFFECT OF PRICE AND CELEBRITY ENDORSERS ON PURCHASE DECISIONS WITH BRAND IMAGE AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE IN MS GLOW SKINCARE PRODUCTS2024-12-31T09:40:30+00:00Endang Satriani Siregarsatrianiendangbr.regar@gmail.comPaham Gintingsatrianiendangbr.regar@gmail.comBeby Karina Fawzeea<p>Skincare products also support this development. The goal of skincare is to maintain healthy and firm skin through a series of skincare treatments that utilize specific products. Customers who value their appearance will undoubtedly choose skincare products that provide the highest level of happiness when worn, which of course encourages manufacturers to develop more innovative products in an effort to attract customers. MS Glow, a skincare company that has recently joined the Indonesian beauty product industry, managed to bring home the Indonesia Best Brand Award 2020 in the field of Exclusive Facial Care. This type of research uses a quantitative approach and is associative in nature. This research was conducted in Rantauprapat City, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra Province, aimed at customers who use MS Glow Skincare products and the research time was carried out starting from September-December 2024. The population of this study includes MS Glow customers.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Endang Satriani Siregar, Paham Ginting, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring MORAL EDUCATION: STRENGTHENING GENERATION Z'S CHARACTER AMID DIGITAL DISRUPTION Rizki Nur'<p>This research explores the implementation of a holistic approach to moral education, focusing on the distinct challenges Generation Z encounters in developing moral character within the dominant presence of digital media. Using a literature review with descriptive analysis, this research explores various educational resources to identify key factors in implementing holistic education for moral development. The results show that a balanced approach, which integrates cognitive skills and emotional intelligence, effectively cultivates an ethical and empathetic mindset among students. Holistic practices, such as Community Service Learning, role-playing, and mindfulness, enhance students' social responsibility, empathy, and critical thinking skills. This research highlights practical implications for educators and policymakers by identifying several challenges in implementing this approach, including resource allocation, teacher training, and cultural adaptability in diverse educational contexts. These findings underscore the need for systematic support from academic institutions and policymakers to make holistic moral education more effective. This study concludes with recommendations for further research on the long-term impact of holistic moral education on character development across various cultural backgrounds, emphasizing its role in creating an empathetic and socially responsible generation.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hamdani, Muhammad Rizki Asrul, Feti Fahmimroah, Husna, Aulia Nur Azizah, Syifa'a FEEDING PROGRAM AND ITS IMPLICATION ON PUPILS’ RETENTION AND ATTENDANCE IN OYI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ANAMBRA STATE NIGERIA2024-12-22T03:06:01+00:00Okadigwe John<p><em>The School Feeding Program (SFP) is a vital initiative aimed at improving the overall well-being of students by providing nutritious meals in schools. This program has significant implications for pupils' retention and attendance, especially in developing regions like Anambra State, Nigeria. Adopting a descriptive survey design, the research aimed to explore the extent to which the SFP influences school enrolment, attendance, academic achievement, and the challenges faced in its implementation. A sample of 148 participants selected from 15 schools through simple random sampling were involved in the study. Data were collected using a validated questionnaire, and the reliability was tested using the Cronbach method. The study found a positive correlation between the school feeding programme and increased school enrolment, improved pupil attendance, and enhanced academic performance. Pupils were more punctual, had better attendance, and showed improvements in both curricular and extracurricular activities. However, challenges such as inadequate funding, poor cooking facilities, insufficient classrooms, and negative parental attitudes were identified as hindrances to the programme’s effective implementation. Based on the findings, the study recommends the provision of adequate funding, the involvement of qualified personnel in planning and evaluation, and the establishment of a monitoring system to ensure the programme’s success. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on the effectiveness of school feeding programmes in promoting educational outcomes in Nigeria and highlights the need for further policy improvements to address the challenges identified.</em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Okadigwe John Chukwujekwu OF TEACHER QUALITY CONTROL AT BAGAN BATU DEVELOPMENT COLLEGE FOUNDATION WITH E-MONEVA2025-01-07T23:13:12+00:00Rizki Candra Dermawanrizkicandradermawan@gmail.comEvawany Yunita Aritonangevawany@gmail.comMeilita Tryana<p>Technological advances enable human resource practices towards E-Human Resources. Monitoring and evaluation activities at Yayasan Perguruan Pembangunan Bagan Batu are carried out conventionally so that there are several problems, namely monitoring and evaluation activities are considered less effective and efficient, paper and printing costs and then problems in archiving. The aim is to create an E-Moneva design to optimize quality control activities at Yayasan Perguruan Pembangunan Bagan Batu. The method used is double diamond, the stages are discover, define, develop and delivery. The research results of respondents agreed that E-Moneva can optimize monitoring and evaluation activities by overcoming problems that exist in ongoing activities. E-Moneva can simplify the monitoring and evaluation process and help identify problems and assist in decision making. Monitoring and evaluation activities will run more effectively and efficiently because the features available on E-Moneva are able to support efforts to optimize teacher quality control. The principals agreed that E-Moneva could optimize monitoring and evaluation activities.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rizki Candra Dermawan, Evawany Yunita Aritonang, Meilita Tryana Sembiring SCOPING REVIEW STUDY ON VICTIMS OF SEXUAL OFFENCES EXPERIENCES UNDERGOING THE POST-SEXUAL ASSAULT CARE SERVICES OFFERED BY THE SELECTED RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS2024-11-15T23:58:18+00:00Linda Moloko<p><em>This scoping review study explores the experiences of victims of sexual offences with post-sexual assault care services provided by the Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs) and the Local South African Police Service (SAPS). Using the methodology framework by Arksey, H and O'Malley, L (2005). It was qualitative in nature, retrieving about 503 articles from the following Social Sciences databases, the Science Direct and Google Scholar </em><em>EbcoHost, Internet sources, and ProQuest, amongst others. However, </em><em>only Nineteen (19) articles met the inclusion/eligibility criteria. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), together with the inductive Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) were used to analyse the data. The study findings revealed both satisfaction and dissatisfaction experiences with these service providers, highlighting areas that requires improvement. The interactions with TCCs were generally positive, with high rates of reported professionalism, empathy, immediate attention from staff and victim-centred environment. However, the interactions with police officers were frequently negative, with survivors describing experiences of secondary victimisation, lack of sensitivity, disrespect, apathy, and lack of case follow-up. The provision of medical care was prioritised in terms of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) treatment and treatment for prevention of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) continuity of care was inconsistent. Mental healthcare was inadequately addressed in terms of long-term counselling services and continuous follow-ups appointments. This study also highlights the need for trauma-informed training and victim-centric improvements within the local SAPS. It is recommended that the training for new SAPS recruits include a formal trauma-debriefing course to assist new recruits to have more in-depth understanding of how a traumatic experience such as rape affects victims and how police behaviour affects victims' trauma.</em></p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Linda Moloko Seomane OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN IMPROVING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' LEARNING INTEREST IN ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MATERIALS2024-12-31T06:06:01+00:00Rafizaltgkraf26@gmail.comNaili Surayatgkraf26@gmail.comLailatul Maghfirahtgkraf26@gmail.comSaiful<p>Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has a strategic role in shaping the character and morals of students from an early age, as part of the formation of humans with integrity, faith, and piety. However, major challenges are faced in teaching PAI at the elementary school level. One of the main problems that is often encountered is the low interest of students in learning PAI material. This is caused by various factors, including monotonous teaching methods, minimal use of interesting learning media, and the view that PAI material is less relevant to students' daily lives. As a result, the learning process is often not optimal in achieving the expected learning objectives. Along with the development of technology in the digital era, the opportunity to create more interactive and interesting learning is increasingly wide open. Digital technology, such as learning applications, educational videos, online quizzes, and educational-based games, provide new alternatives in designing learning experiences that are not only interesting, but also relevant to the needs of modern students. The use of this technology allows students to learn in a more personal, fun way, and in accordance with their mindset and habits that are already familiar with digital devices. This study aims to analyze the implementation of digital technology in Islamic Religious Education learning at the elementary school level. The main focus is to measure the effectiveness of digital technology in increasing students' interest in learning, as well as identifying supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation. To achieve these objectives, this study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data were collected through direct observation in class, in-depth interviews with teachers and students, and document analysis related to the implementation of digital technology in Islamic Religious Education learning. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of digital technology has a significant positive impact on students' learning interest. Technology-based learning media not only increases student engagement but also creates a learning experience that is more relevant to the modern era. In addition, this study found that supporting factors, such as the availability of technological devices and student enthusiasm, play an important role in the success of implementing digital technology. On the other hand, obstacles such as lack of teacher training and limited school facilities are challenges that need to be overcome.</p>2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rafizal, Naili Suraya, Lailatul Maghfirah, Saiful Bahri ENTREPRENEURSHIP LEARNING MODEL, ITS INFLUENCE ON THE ATTITUDES, ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT, STATE POLYTECHNIC OF MALANG2025-01-21T23:38:10+00:00Fullchis<p>The purpose of this research is to test the suitable structural learning model and which a learning model of entrepreneurship based in constructivism can build attitude and entrepreneurial motivation of students. This research includes explanatory research or hypothesis testing. The subject of this research is from the student in Business Administration Polytechnic State of Malang who has passed the Entrepreneur subject. The sampling has been done by multistage sampling by random sampling. Data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Based on the results of the study and discussion, it shows that constructivist-based entrepreneurship learning has an effect on entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial competence. Furthermore, constructivist-based entrepreneurship learning has no effect on entrepreneurial motivation. Other results show that entrepreneurial attitudes and competence have no effect on entrepreneurial motivation. The indirect hypothesis shows that there is an effect of constructivist-based entrepreneurship learning on entrepreneurial attitudes but there is no significant effect on entrepreneurial motivation, and there is a significant effect between constructivist-based entrepreneurship learning) and entrepreneurial competence but there is no positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial motivation variable.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fullchis Nurtjahjani, Joko Samboro ROLE OF EDUCATED WOMEN IN FAMILY DYNAMICS AND CHILDREN'S PRIMARY EDUCATION IN OYI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA2024-12-19T03:10:56+00:00Ann Ngozi<p><em>This study explores the role of educated women in shaping family dynamics and enhancing children's primary education in Oyi Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria. The study utilized a survey research design to evaluate the impact of women's education on the socio-economic status of families in Oyi Local Government Area, Anambra State. Covering five towns—Awkuzu, Nteje, Umunnya, Ogbunike, and Nkwelle—the research targeted diverse women, including literates and illiterates from varied occupations. A sample of 200 working-class women was randomly selected from schools, banks, markets, and farms, with each town contributing 40 respondents. Data was collected via a questionnaire using a four-point Likert scale. The findings reveal that educated women contribute significantly to the economic stability of their families, engaging in diverse financial responsibilities, including healthcare, education, and property investments. They also demonstrate a preference for smaller, well-managed families, effectively using reproductive health information to maintain family planning. In the context of primary education, educated women actively support their children's learning through guidance on schoolwork, provision of educational materials, and fostering a disciplined study environment. The study concludes that educated women are pivotal in promoting family welfare, enhancing literacy rates, and driving social and economic progress within the community. It recommends strengthening educational opportunities for women to further amplify these positive impacts on family and community development. </em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ann Ngozi Ugobueze STRATEGY OF PANGLIMA LAOT INSTITUTION IN SUSTAINABLE COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT IN THE PROVINCE OF ACEH-INDONESIA2025-01-06T13:50:27+00:00Eva<p>The Panglima Laot institution plays a pivotal role in the sustainable management of Aceh's coastal regions by leveraging traditional practices and local wisdom. However, increasing pressures from climate change, economic modernization, and declining fish stocks necessitate adaptive strategies to ensure its continued effectiveness. This study investigates the adaptive strategies employed by Panglima Laot, focusing on integrating traditional governance with modern innovations to address environmental and social challenges. Utilizing a SWOT analysis framework, the study identifies the institution's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Key findings highlight the need for enhancing institutional capacity, documenting traditional knowledge, and fostering collaborations with governmental and international organizations. By leveraging its cultural significance and community trust, Panglima Laot can integrate modern technologies, such as GIS, to improve resource management while maintaining traditional values. These strategies are critical to strengthening the institution’s role in promoting equitable and sustainable coastal resource management. The study concludes with actionable recommendations for policy enhancement, community engagement, and capacity building to support Panglima Laot in navigating the evolving complexities of coastal management in Aceh.</p>2025-01-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eva Wardah, Agussabti, Indra Indra, Yanis Rinaldi LITERATURE REVIEW: ENHANCING STUDENTS' DIGITAL LITERACY AND DIGITAL COMPETENCY THROUGH TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION2025-02-16T14:29:29+00:00Afrizalrizal.loebis74@gmail.comAlbert Herlambangrizal.loebis74@gmail.comClaudie Tiofannyrizal.loebis74@gmail.comPetrus<p>This article explores the enhancement of students' digital literacy and competencies through technological innovation in higher education. Digital transformation has reshaped the way teaching and learning occur, particularly with the implementation of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and digital learning platforms. This literature review spans research from 2019 to 2023, highlighting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of technology in distance learning, and the challenges of integrating technology into educational institutions. The research findings indicate that technological innovation in higher education has the potential to improve students' digital literacy and competencies, although infrastructure challenges and institutional readiness remain significant barriers.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Afrizal, Albert Herlambang, Claudie Tiofanny, Petrus Loo ROLES OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT REGARDING SCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION STRATGIES IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS2024-10-22T23:29:31+00:00Saltiel Khololo Collen Mataboge<p><em>This conceptualized paper sought to investigate the significance of parental involvement in school-based violence prevention strategies within the context of primary schools. The main research question guiding this study is: “What role does parental involvement play in shaping and enhancing school-based violence prevention strategies in primary schools?” This paper utilizes a qualitative approach which draws extensively from the review of scholarly books and articles (2018-2024) within the myriad of fields as data collection techniques. The interpretive paradigm is employed to analyse the collected data, allowing for a deeper insight of the complex dynamics between parental involvement and school-based violence prevention strategies. The findings of this study highlight the pivotal role of parental involvement in fostering safe and supportive school environments. The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform policymakers, the leadership and administrators about good practices which advocates for greater collaboration between schools and parents in mitigating issues of violence prevention. </em></p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Saltiel Khololo Collen Mataboge IMPACT OF BULLYING ON TEACHING AND LEARNING: A CASE OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF MAMELODI, GAUTENG PROVINCE2024-12-25T01:00:14+00:00Victoria Sophy Hlafanefrengkiputra78@gmail.comMashaba Ernest Khalabaifrengkiputra78@gmail.comMaile Simeonfrengkiputra78@gmail.comNkomo Asaph Ntu<p><em>This article investigated the impact, causes, types of bullying and the measures employed by primary schools to curb bullying in the Tshwane South District in Mamelodi Township, Gauteng Province. The researchers wanted to learn more about the effects of bullying in underprivileged communities. Three schools took part in the study, which used a qualitative methodology. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews with instructors, learners, and school principals were used to gather data. There were fifteen participants in the study. The goal of the study was to learn more about the effects of bullying in underprivileged communities. Three schools took part in the study, which used a qualitative methodology. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews with instructors, learners, and school principals were used to gather data. Fifteen people participated in the study. The authors found that primary schools are challenged by the negative impact of bullying and that there are factors that cause bullying in primary schools. However, we conclude that there are several measures that can be used to curb bullying in primary schools. </em></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Victoria Sophy Hlafane, Mashaba Ernest Khalabai, Maile Simeon, Nkomo Asaph Ntu Nkomo CRIMINAL ACTS OF NARCOTICS THROUGH A RESTORATIVE JUSTICE APPROACH IN EAST JAVA2025-01-15T14:25:51+00:00Syarib Rama Indradi<p>This study discussed the handling of narcotics abuse crimes through a restorative justice approach based on the Indonesian National Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 regarding the Handling of Criminal Acts Based on Restorative Justice. According to this regulation, individuals involved in narcotics abuse could undergo a restorative justice approach, giving them the opportunity to undergo medical or social rehabilitation without having wait for a court decision. The aim of this study was to analyze the basic principles considered and the strategies used by the Police in handling narcotics abuse cases through the restorative justice approach. In determining these consederations, it was important to ensure that the steps taken were in accordance with applicable legal provisions, as well as addressing the challenges in implementing restorative justice, which required effective strategies, so that these considerations and strategies could result in legal benefit and justice. This study was an empirical research using a socio-legal or juridical-empirical method with a legal sociology approach. The study used primary data obtained through interviews with informants, and the secondary data in the form of bibliographical sources. The research data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study has ben showed that the investigators considerations in handling narcotics crimes through the restorative justice approach were based on the requirements and mechanisms for handling them in accordance with the Police Regulation. The investigators strategy was to enhance understanding of the concept of restorative justice in order to overcome the challenges such as the low submission of Integrated Assesments and the lack of understanding among offenders about the concepts of restorative justice.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syarib Rama Indradi Mukti, Bambang Sugiri, Abdul Madjid OF EMOTION, ENJOYMENT, PRICE, AND BRAND IMAGE ON VISIT INTENTION THROUGH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND ATTITUDE AMONG VISITORS OF AMAZON IN SAMARINDA CITY2024-12-17T05:13:47+00:00M. Eddy<p><em>This study aims to analyze and prove the Influence of Emotion, Enjoyment and Price and Brand Image on Visit Intention through Customer Satisfaction and Attitude on Amazone visitors in Samarinda City. This study used a questionnaire with a sample of 155 Amazone visitors in Samarinda City. This study uses a quantitative approach using path analysis processed with IBM SPSS Statistic 23 software and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a sampling technique of accidental random sampling. The measurement scale used in this study uses a Likert scale with a score of 1 to 5. In this study, the researcher conducted an instrument test, namely a validity test and a reliability test as well as a classical assumption test such as a normality test and a multicollinearity test which were then carried out an estimation test and a structural model fit test. Based on the structural model used in this study, it can be proven that there is no significant effect of Emotion on Customer Satisfaction, Enjoyment, Price and Brand Image have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Emotion, Price and Customer Satisfaction have a significant effect on Attitude while Enjoyment and Brand Image do not have a significant effect on Attitude. Emotion and Attitude have a significant effect on Visit Intention, while Enjoyment, Price, Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction do not have a significant effect on Visit Intention.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 M. Kiswanto, Zuhriah, Sarwo Eddy Wibowo, Shofiaturrizkiyah THE SUCCESS OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARK: TAMAN TASIK LIPUR KOTA MUADZAM SHAH, PAHANG, MALAYSIA2025-01-05T23:35:17+00:00Hanisah binti Shafinda Wani binti Shaikh binti<p>A good park gives a lot of benefits to the community. There are 3 main benefits of public parks, such as economic, environment and social. The public park is managed by the Local Authorities of the area. This study aimed to examine the successful of neighborhood park Taman Tasik Lipur Kota Muadzam Shah, Pahang. The study area is Taman Tasik Lipur Kota, Muadzam Shah, Pahang. The respondents involved are 125 respondents, it was the communities that visited the area during their leisure time. The method adopted in these studies included procedures using quantitative variables and measures such as Likert scale. Overall, the findings show that the mean of Good Accessibility and Linkages (GAL) is 3.30, Comfort and Image (DCI) is 3.26, User and Activities (UAC) is 3.87 and Sociability (SOC) is 3.86. The result found the Taman Tasik Lipur kota Muadzam Shah still needs improvement in terms of Accessibilities and linkages, comfort and image, user and activities and sociability. However, the number of visitors to the park is high during weekends and evenings. In conclusion, this study recommends that the park should increase the safety of the park. The behavior of the visitor during their visit of the park such as bringing the car and the motorbikes inside the park make the other visitor feel insecure. On the other hand, the government also can increase the public transportation and Bus Stop to increase the number of visitor of the park. The local government can encourage in term of Good Accessibility and linkages (GAL) and Comfort and Image (DCI) of Taman Lipur Kota Muadzam Shah, Pahang.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hanisah binti Othman, Nur Shafinda Wani binti Shaikh Azmee, Maisarah binti Awang SYSTEM FOR THE ADMISSION OF NEW STUDENT CANDIDATES FOR THE BIDIKSIBA SCHOLARSHIP PATHWAY POLYTEKNIK NEGERI MALANG2025-02-04T00:12:45+00:00Kadek Suarjuna Indri Fany<p>The Bidikiba Program (Education Scholarships Around Bukit Asam) is a program of educational scholarships provided by PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) to students high school graduates or equivalent from underprivileged families around the operational area companies to be able to continue their education at university. Implementation of Bidikiba scholarship acceptance selection is still done manually registration process, selection exams, and ranking of prospective students. Registration This is done by recording prospective students using Excel and if any Changes or errors in prospective students' data must be reported to the admin make edits to the data. The system is expected to help resolve problems in the process of accepting prospective students for the Bidikiba scholarship programat Malang State Polytechnic.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kadek Suarjuna Batubulan, Ratih Indri Hapsari, Budi Harijanto, Ane Fany Novitasari MUSIC IN THE WORLD OF EDUCATION: SONG SELECTION FOR HELPING TO LEARN2024-12-25T00:50:26+00:00Fadhilla Pradnya Ningtiasdilaningtias@gmail.comAdhitya Pratama Irwantoadhitya.irwanto1190@gmail.comKhaikal Ridwan Taufik Siregarkhaikalridwantaufiksiregar@gmail.comRaja Khumala Nasutionkhumalaking@gmail.comAtiqah Salma<p style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt;">This study aims to analyze the effect of classical music on high school students' concentration. Classical music, especially that which is in accordance with the Mozart Effect theory, is believed to improve cognitive performance and concentration. The methods used are literature studies and simple experiments to observe students' responses when studying with classical music. The results of the study indicate that classical music, with its stable and harmonious rhythmic characteristics, helps create a more conducive learning atmosphere, improves concentration, and reduces stress. Recommendations for classical songs are also given to support learning.</span></em></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Aditya Pratma Irwanto, Atiqah Salma Azahra, Fadhilla Pradnya Ningtias, Khaikal Ridwan Taufik, Raja Khumala Nasution OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF IMPLEMENTING THE FOUR EYES PRINCIPLE TO CONTROL NPF IN ISLAMIC BANKS: LITERATURE REVIEW2025-01-11T10:23:27+00:00Edi Faisal<p>This study discusses the issue of Non-Performing Financing (NPF) which is a major challenge for Islamic banks in Indonesia, with the aim of exploring the effectiveness of implementing the Four Eyes principle in controlling financing risk. The scope of the research includes analysis of internal policies and decision-making practices that affect the financial performance of Islamic banks. The method used is a literature review approach, with data collection from academic databases such as Scopus and Google Scholar. Data are analyzed using thematic analysis to provide insight into current issues related to risk management. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the Four Eyes Principle can significantly reduce the NPF ratio, with success influenced by organizational culture and staff training. These findings indicate that collaboration in decision-making is a key factor in mitigating financing risk. The implication of these results is the need for strengthening policies and ongoing training to improve the effectiveness of risk management in Islamic banks.</p>2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Edi Faisal Harahap THE ABSORPTION OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GRADUATES IN INDUSTRIES THROUGHOUT EAST KALIMANTAN2024-12-14T23:35:25+00:00Umi Zunaidah Ningsih<h3><em>The relevance of the study field and employment is crucial in the context of the Tracer Study for the Applied Marketing Management program, as it indicates the efficacy of the education received by graduates. Once graduates obtain positions relevant to their studies, it indicates that the curriculum and instructional materials correlate by industry needs, therefore assisting their adjustment into the workforce. The analysis of alumni job status on Tracer study indicates the data is essential for the academic program. In evaluating the effectiveness of graduates in obtaining positions and the relevance of their education. The Tracer study results indicate 71% of alumni have successfully secured employment in diverse companies. Indicating effective job placement and pertinence of the study program's industry. This signifies that the education offered has effectively equipped graduates to confront the problems of the workforce. Furthermore, 12% of alumni pursue further education, 10% successfully establish their own businesses, ensuring succeeding academic entrepreneurship, and 7% work as managers in companies. </em></h3> <h3><strong><em> </em></strong></h3>2025-01-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Umi Zunaidah , Armini Ningsih , Andi Syarifuddin IMPACT OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI), ELECTRICITY AND SANITATION INFRASTRUCTURE AVAILABILITY ON INCOME INEQUALITY IN SUMATERA ISLAND2025-01-02T23:25:57+00:00Fathur Zakia Risya<h3 style="margin-left: 0cm; text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to analyze the relationship between the Human Development Index (HDI), the availability of electricity and sanitation infrastructure on income inequality in the island of Sumatera. This research uses panel data from 10 provinces on the island of Sumatra in the 2011-2022 period. This research method used panel data regression analysis using the Random Effect Model (REM). Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it shows that HDI does not have a significant influence on income inequality, the availability of electricity infrastructure has a significant negative influence on income inequality, and sanitation has a significant negative influence on income inequality. The results of this study is expected to serve as a reference for the government in formulating policies aimed at reducing income inequality and improve equitable development on Sumatra Island.</span></h3>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fathur Rahman, Weri, Cut Zakia Rizki, Cut Risya Varlitya, Talbani Farlian SATISFACTION AND REVISIT INTENTIONS: UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECT OF ATTITUDE, ATTRACTIONS, ACCESSIBILITY, AND DESTINATION IMAGE ON WORD OF MOUTH AT KUMALA ISLAND, Eddy Hiana<p>This study aims to analyze the effects of attitude, tourism attraction, accessibility, and destination image on word of mouth through visitor satisfaction and revisit intentions at Kumala Island, Tenggarong. A questionnaire was distributed to 162 visitors using an accidental random sampling technique. The study applies a quantitative approach, utilizing path analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 23 software. Data were measured using a 15-point Likert scale. Before testing the hypothesis, validity and reliability tests were conducted, along with classical assumption tests such as linearity, normality, and multicollinearity. The results show significant impacts of attitude, tourism attraction, accessibility, and destination image on satisfaction and satisfaction on revisit intention. Tourism attraction, accessibility, satisfaction, and revisit intention significantly influence word of mouth. However, the study found no significant effects of attitude, tourism attraction, accessibility, and destination image on revisit intention, nor of attitude and destination image on word of mouth. These findings highlight the importance of visitor satisfaction in influencing revisit intentions and word of mouth while also suggesting some areas where the influence of particular variables is less pronounced.</p> <p> </p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Satryawati, Hamdani, Syachrul, Bela Barus, Sarwo Eddy Wibowo, Tasya Hiana Cecilia EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND INSTITUTIONAL IMAGE ON STUDENT LOYALTY THROUGH SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE AT BATTUTA UNIVERSITY2024-12-25T00:24:11+00:00Andrio Bukitandriobukitbukit@gmail.comEndang Sulistya Riniandriobukitbukit@gmail.comSyafrizal Helmi<p><em>Universities play an important role as the main pillar in driving national transformation, both in terms of economy, social, and culture. In the era of globalization and revolution 4.0, the role of universities is becoming increasingly crucial in preparing the next generation to be competitive and innovative. The current phenomenon is that universities, especially private universities whose main source of funding comes from students, are experiencing problems with low levels of student loyalty. Several experts argue that student loyalty is greatly influenced by the level of student satisfaction which is factored by the quality of service and the image of the university itself. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of service quality and institutional image on student loyalty at Battuta University through satisfaction. This type of research is associative research and the data used is quantitative data. The population of this study was all students of Battuta University, totaling 701 students. The technique for determining the number of samples used the Slovin formula so that a sample size of 258 students was obtained. The data analysis used is Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling. The results of the study directly show that service quality has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, institutional image has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, service quality has a positive and significant effect on student loyalty, institutional image has a positive and significant effect on student loyalty, and satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on student loyalty. Indirectly, service quality has a positive and significant effect on student loyalty through satisfaction, as well as institutional image has a positive and significant effect on student loyalty through satisfaction.</em></p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Andrio Bukit, Endang Sulistya Rini, Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang ASPECTS OF BANKRUPTCY PEACE THROUGH RESTRUCTURING CORPORATE DEBT IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY ERA2025-01-08T14:59:30+00:00Ida<p>This type of research is analytical descriptive, which aims to describe legal phenomena related to bankruptcy peace and debt restructuring in the digital economy era, then analyze them based on legal theory and practice in the field. Bankruptcy is regulated in Law no. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU). In this framework, peace is one solution to avoid total liquidation of company assets, with a focus on debt restructuring and paying off obligations to creditors. Based on a literature review, peace is considered more effective than liquidation because it gives the company the opportunity to recover and continue operating. The legal aspects of bankruptcy peace through debt restructuring are very relevant in the digital economy era. However, to answer the new challenges faced by companies and creditors, Indonesia needs a legal framework that is more adaptive, dynamic and responsive to technological developments. A collaborative approach between regulators, business players and other stakeholders is the key to creating a legal ecosystem that supports the sustainability of the digital economy.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ida NadirahİNG SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE OF SOME TEACHERS İN THE SENİOR PHASE NATURAL SCİENCE CLASSROOM2024-12-01T23:59:25+00:00Ndivhuwo Prudence<p><em>The purpose of this interpretative qualitative study was to examine the subject matter knowledge of senior phase natural science teachers in some of the schools positioned in the Vhembe district of the Limpopo province. A Classroom Practice Diagnostic Framework has been used as a theoretical framework for this study. Classroom observations and interviews were used to collect data from natural science teachers. The results of the study show that teachers have subject matter knowledge as they were able to teach natural science subject to their learners, clarify misconceptions and learners were able to relate what they are taught in natural science with their environment. However, the teachers did not specialised with natural sciences in their teaching qualifications. Furthermore, teachers employed different methods such as questioning, demonstrations, examples and discussions which encouraged and motivated learners to actively participate in their learning. The findings also revealed that teachers used different materials to support their classroom practices and to assist learners in understanding the concepts taught. It is recommended that teachers should be encouraged to attend subject matter knowledge continuous development programmes to enhance their knowledge in all subjects they teach for learners to have a good foundation and interest on their school subjects. </em></p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ndivhuwo Prudence Netshivhumbe URGENCY OF A SEPARATION OF PROPERTY AGREEMENT IN MARRIAGE AS AN EFFORT TO CREATE A HARMONIOUS FAMILY2024-12-31T09:37:56+00:00Lestari Lamindo Limbonglestarilimbong3@gmail.comHenry<p>As science develops, public awareness of the importance of legal protection for themselves also grows rapidly. Likewise, legal protection for married couples. The existence of a separation of property agreement in a marriage is one effort to avoid conflicts related to property in a marriage bond, the less conflict there is, the greater the potential for a harmonious marriage. A separation of property agreement must be made based on an agreement between the two parties so that no one feels disadvantaged. The marriage agreement must also be approved by an authorized official. This study uses the Normative Juridical approach method, namely legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data as a basis for research by conducting a search for regulations and literature related to the problems being studied</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Lestari Lamindo Limbong, Henry Aspan, Dahlan THE EMBODIMENT OF UBUNTU PHILOSOPHY IN FOSTERING EMPATHY AND COMPASSION IN SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE2025-01-27T23:21:24+00:00Phoke Alpha RakgwataRakgwata.alpha@gmail.comMs Ramothwa<p>The Ubuntu philosophy, a rich African worldview that emphasizes humanity's holistic nature, interconnectedness, and communal values, has significant ramifications for social work practice, especially when it comes to developing empathy and compassion. Ubuntu, which has its roots in the African idea of "I am because we are," encourages social workers to see people as essential members of a larger community rather than just as separate individuals. This interconnectedness forms the foundation for enhancing empathy and compassion among practitioners, which are critical elements in effective social work. Social work, as a profession oriented towards the welfare of others, benefits from exploring this philosophy’s principles to enhance caregiving practices. Research findings has shown that through the adoption of Ubuntu's fundamental principles, social workers practice holistic, community-based work that empowers clients, advances social justice, and improves long-term health. The study aim was to investigate the role of Ubuntu philosophy in fostering empathy and compassion in social work practice. It also aims to assess the potential effectiveness of integrating Ubuntu principles in social work education and training. The study carried out comprehensive desktop electronic research to gather data and themes from previous research. All the research's sources were properly referenced in accordance with APA guidelines to give credit to the original authors and their contributions and ensure ethical consideration in the study.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Phoke Alpha Rakgwata, Ms Ramothwa JS LECTURES AS AN EFFECTIVE LEARNING MOTIVATION MEDIA IN EDUCATION2024-12-22T03:03:53+00:00Fawwaz Taqikiki.mrizkyakbar@gmail.comJibril Altafkiki.mrizkyakbar@gmail.comMuhammad Rizky Akbarkiki.mrizkyakbar@gmail.comSiti Azahrakiki.mrizkyakbar@gmail.comT Nasywa Ariqah<p style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt;">This study explores the effectiveness of lectures as a teaching method in improving students' learning motivation. Lectures that are often considered monotonous can reduce students' engagement in learning. By integrating motivational theories such as Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and Attribution Theory, this study shows that motivation-based lectures can improve student engagement. Approaches such as storytelling, the use of visual media, and active interaction have been shown to be effective in increasing students' intrinsic motivation. This study provides practical guidance for educators to design more engaging and motivating lectures, as well as improve the quality of learning.</span></em></p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fawwaz Taqi, Jibril Altaf, Muhammad Rizky Akbar, Siti Azahra, T Nasywa Ariqah Putri AS THE ULTIMATE GOAL IN SHARIA BANKING PERFORMANCE: BASED TO ISLAMIC ECONOMIC AXIOLOGY 2025-01-06T14:51:37+00:00Iqlima Kahfi Samri Juliati<h3>To achieve holistic prosperity (Falah), economics can be used to examine human behavior when faced with a dilemma. The Islamic economic system is founded on notions from the Qur'an and hadith, which give an economic order for achieving overall prosperity. To achieve this prosperity, Islamic commercial banks must be able to generate shareholder faith in the funds in which they invest; thus, it is vital to compare Sharia Banks' performance to their financial reports, which are based on Islamic values. This study examined the impact of BOPO (Operating Expenses and Operating Income) on Sharia Banking Performance, as measured by the Return On Assets (ROA) ratio, with FDR (Financing to Deposit Ratio) acting as a moderating variable. The research object is Bank Aceh Syariah using data analysis techniques used are financial reports published on the Bank Aceh Syariah website from 2016 to 2022. The test tool uses multiple linear regression tests and Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) with SPSS. The research results show that BOPO has a significant effect on Sharia Banking Performance (ROA), but the FDR variable has not been able to moderate the relationship between BOPO and ROA.</h3>2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Iqlima Azhar, Muhammad Salman, Nasrul Kahfi Lubis, Saparuddin, Yenni Samri Juliati Nasution CHALLENGES NOVICE FEMALE PRINCIPALS ENCOUTER REGARDING TEACHER ATTRITION: RURAL PRIMARY SCHOOLS2024-10-22T23:36:35+00:00Saltiel Khololo Collen Rebecca<p><em>This conceptualized paper sought to examine the challenges novice female principals encounter regarding teacher attrition in rural primary schools. Teacher attrition, particularly in rural areas poses a significant threat to the stability and performance of schools. The main question guiding this study is: What are the key challenges that novice female principals face in managing teacher attrition in rural primary schools? A qualitative approach is adopted, encompassing an intensive review of scholarly books and articles from (2018-2024) on the topic under discussion. An interpretive paradigm is utilized to understand the academic perspectives focusing on principals in their unique rural contexts. Findings revealed that novice female principals face multiple challenges which include limited resources, professional isolation, lack of mentorship and cultural dynamics that exacerbate teacher turnover. In addition, inadequate support from local education authorities further complicates their ability to retain staff. The significance of the study lies in its potential to inform policy and leadership training programs designed to the needs of female principals within the rural settings. Limitations include the exclusive reliance on literature-based data which may require future empirical studies to validate the findings. The study highlights the need for targeted strategies to support novice female principals in mitigating teacher attrition and enhancing school stability</em></p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Saltiel Khololo Collen Mataboge, Mapula Rebecca Mabusela INVESTIGATION INTO DEVICES USED TO CURB CAR HIJACKING IN MAMELODI TOWNSHIP. GAUTENG PROVINCE2024-12-30T16:12:44+00:00Adewale MALULEKAMaluleka.o.t@gmail.comJerry<p>Carjacking, also referred to as car hijacking, is a type of robbery where a vehicle is taken from the driver through the use of force, often with the involvement of firearm. South Africa has one of the highest car hijacking rates in the world, with an average of 46 vehicles hijacked daily, or 2 every hour. Technology devices were created to help law enforcement officers to prevent and effectively investigate vehicle hijacking crimes. The purpose of the study was to identify technological devices and other strategies that police can utilize to deter and resolve cases of vehicle hijacking in Mamelodi Township. Additionally, the study aimed to identify all stakeholders from both private and public sectors that can collaborate with the police to prevent the enigma of car hijacking. The study also uncovered all the effects that vehicle hijacking has on the victims of the crime. A qualitative research methodology was adopted for this paper. The study adopted the social learning theory which explains that criminal behaviour is learned just like other criminal behaviour, car hijacking crime is also learned in society. Data collection was done through purposive sampling as it allowed the researcher to choose participants who were well-informed on the topic being explored. Data was collected by using one-on-one or face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Based on the findings. The recommendations of the study include the introduction of new technology devices, adoption of crime prevention strategies from other countries by the police, priority on collaboration between the South African police service and private sectors, installation of devices by vehicle owners to prevent vehicle hijackings, and provision of quality service by the police.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Adewale Olutola, OSCAR MALULEKA, Jerry Malange ROLE OF ETHICS IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT IN THE DIGITAL<p>The digital era brings new challenges to the business world, especially in the application of ethical principles and the creation of a sustainable business environment. This article discusses the importance of the role of ethics in dealing with the development of digital technology and its impact on various aspects of business. ethics are a moral foundation that not only regulates business behavior but also increases trust and credibility in the eyes of stakeholders. Business ethics in the digital era are not only limited to basic principles such as honesty and fairness, but also include data management, data protection, and digital responsibility. Cases of corporate ethics violations such as the Enron scandal show the importance of transparency and accountability in the digital era. In addition, the integration of technologies such as big data, AI, and blockchain has increased the operational efficiency of companies while maintaining high ethical standards. New challenges in the digital business environment, such as cybersecurity and privacy threats, require careful and ethical management. Business leaders play a critical role in building ethical organizations, especially in decision-making that impacts the sustainability of the business and society as a whole. Therefore, this article emphasizes that the application of ethics in business is important not only to achieve short-term profits, but also to create long-term sustainability that benefits everyone involved.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yanita, Atika Sulistia HISTORICAL STUDY OF THE LEGACY OF UTPALA DYNASTY IN KASHMIR, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO AVANTIVERMAN (855-883 A.D.)2024-12-18T14:33:44+00:00Shabir Ahmad<p><em>Jammu and Kashmir, often referred to as "heaven on Earth," has long captivated rulers and poets alike. The famous Persian couplet by Amir Khusrau describes it as unparalleled in beauty, inspiring numerous rulers to vie for control over the region. The Rajatarangini, a metrical chronicle, narrates Kashmir's dynastic history from the Mahabharata era to Sangrama Deva's reign. Avantivarman, a significant ruler of the Utpalas dynasty established in 855 CE, heralded a golden age for Kashmir. Eschewing military conquests, he prioritized peace and prosperity, ushering in a period of unparalleled stability and contentment. His reign, approximately 25 years into his rule, marked Kashmir's zenith in terms of happiness and economic well-being. Avantivarman, though not from a distinguished lineage, exhibited exceptional leadership qualities. His administration not only alleviated the populace's suffering but also revitalized the region's cultural and political legacy, symbolizing a transformative era in Kashmir's history.</em></p>2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Shabir Ahmad Lone APPROACH FOR ACHIEVING INTEGRATED AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT2025-01-05T23:39:18+00:00Rindang Monica Novi Dewi Junita<p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm -.05pt 0cm 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; color: black;">This research focuses on Sumbermujur Village in Lumajang Regency, Indonesia, which possesses significant potential for natural, man made, and cultural tourism. The research aims to explore the implementation of the pentahelix Model for developing integrated and sustainable tourism. The research is motivated by the challenges of fostering sustainable tourism in rural areas and the need for a collaborative approach that involves key stakeholders, highlighting the urgency of this research. Utilizing the Delphi method, this research engages various stakeholders, including local government, community members, tourism operators, academics, and research institutions, to achieve consensus on a sustainable tourism development model. The research process includes identifying key tourism challenges, designing the pentahelix model through cross-sector collaboration and community involvement, validating the model, and providing policy recommendations. The research results show that in tourism development in Sumbermujur Village, four stakeholders have had cooperative relationships, namely academics, local communities, government, and media. In contrast, private business people involved in tourism have not been involved in the cooperation. To achieve integrated and sustainable tourism development based on the pentahelix model, closer collaboration is needed, especially by involving private businesses. Optimal cooperation between stakeholders in this Penta helix model can positively impact increasing the tourism economy and maximizing the utilization of tourism potential.</span></p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rindang Alfiah, Cindy Monica Febrian, Ratih Novi Listyawati, RR Dewi Junita Koesoemawati OF HALAL TOURISM DESTINATIONS BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM IN BIREUEN REGENCY IN IMPROVING COMMUNITY Nur<p>This study aims to determine how the development of local wisdom-based halal tourist destinations in Bireuen Regency in improving the community's economy. The research method in this study uses qualitative methods. The informants in this study were the Bireuen Regency Tourism Office, tourism managers, business owners and visitors. The data collection techniques used are observation and interviews and documentation. The core research results show that the development of local wisdom-based tourist destinations in improving the community's economy is optimal. uphold Islamic values in every tourist destination in Bireuen Regency. Worship facilities and infrastructure are available in every tourist destination. In addition, the community around the tour to get an increase in visitors carries out a promotion strategy by using social media to promote. In line with that, the Bireuen Regency Government through the Tourism Office collaborates to create synergy together in improving the economy of the local community through tourism development.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fuadi, Epi Safira, Nazli Hasan, Falahuddin EFFECTS OF ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING ON LECTURERS DURING CORONAVIRUS DISEASE-2019 AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO, SOUTH AFRICA2024-10-13T14:17:19+00:00Rivoningo Nyiko Msisinyane nyikorivoningo372@gmail.comProf Witness<p><em>This paper aims to explore the effects of online teaching and learning (T & L) on lecturers during Coronavirus-Disease-2019 at the University of Limpopo (UL) within the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. This study adopted a qualitative research approach, employing an exploratory research design. Non-probability purposive sampling was deployed. To collect data in this study, the researchers employed semi-structured Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). The semi-structured interview schedule, created using Google Forms, was emailed to the Ten (10) lecturers who provided their email addresses indicating their willingness to participate in the interview. The findings of this study presented significant negative effects that were encountered by lecturers in the shift to online T & L, including declines in student attendance, engagement, and participation. These issues were primarily due to technical difficulties such as internet connectivity problems, power outages, and the lack of provision of electronic devices. However, the university took proactive measures to lessen the impact of these issues, including providing electronic devices and data bundles, enhancing technology infrastructure, and offering workshop training. The researchers recommend the university to improve internet connectivity, provide ongoing support for lecturers and students, ensure access to necessary equipment, and make financial commitments toward improving digital facilities.</em></p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rivoningo Nyiko Msisinyane , Prof Witness Maluleke ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN INTEGRATING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION INTO LIFE SCIENCES2024-12-25T00:56:55+00:00Khathutshelo Ronald<p><em>Integrating Environmental Education into the Life Sciences curriculum is crucial for fostering environmental literacy and promoting sustainable development. This study explores the role of educational support systems—including policy documents, textbooks, and subject advisors—in facilitating Environmental Education (EE) integration in the Vhembe District of South Africa. Guided by Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, the research adopts a qualitative, phenomenological case study approach, utilizing document analysis and semi-structured interviews with Life Sciences teachers and a subject advisor. The findings reveal significant gaps in the instructional support provided by resources such as the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), textbooks, and pacesetters. These foundational materials lack explicit strategies for effective EE integration. Additionally, subject advisors face challenges in offering specialized support due to systemic constraints, including a focus on general curriculum goals and limited resources. This study underscores the urgent need for a cohesive and comprehensive approach to EE integration. Key recommendations include the development of targeted instructional resources, enhanced professional development for educators, and better coordination between policy and implementation. These measures are essential for equipping educators to deliver meaningful Environmental Education, enabling learners to address critical environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable development.</em></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Khathutshelo Ronald Munasi SATISFACTION MEDIATES E-SERVICE QUALITY TOWARDS USER LOYALTY IN MOBILE JKN USERS2025-01-12T22:40:33+00:00Tria Monika Dewitria.monica11@gmail.comHery Winoto<p>Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means everyone has access to the qualityfiedhealthcare anytime and anywhere they need it, without financesproblems. In order to realize UHC, the Indonesian Government has implemented the National Health Insurance program (JKN/KIS) which is organized by BPJS Health. Along with increasingly rapid technological developments, BPJS Health is implementing health innovationcalledMobile JKN. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether the public feels satisfied and loyal to theservicequality from the health application. The research sample was taken from 105 respondents who had used the Mobile JKN application at RS P Cirebon more than once and were >18 years old. Data was obtained through a random questionnaire via Google Form. Questionnaire data was processed using the Microsoft Excel application and analyzed using SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square) and SmartPLS version 4 application. The research results show that e-service quality has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction and user loyalty of Mobile JKN with p-values of 0.000 and 0.0005 respectively. Customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on user loyalty of Mobile JKN users (p-value 0.000), and e-service quality has a significant positive effect on user loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction of Mobile JKN users (p-value 0.000). These results are in line withprevious studies. We hopethat Mobile JKN application managers can continue to improve e-service quality so that they can make a positive and significant contribution both directly and indirectly to customer satisfaction and user loyalty, and expand the collaboration network with various health facilities.</p>2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Tria Monika Dewi, Hery Winoto TJ, Melitina Tecoalu