Main Article Content
Reza Juanda
Rico Nur Ilham
The purpose of Community Service is carried out to provide understanding and assist business actors regarding the factors supporting business activities, such as business management factors and legality so that business activities carried out are not only profit-oriented, but business activities can continue to develop in the future by paying attention to and implementing supporting factors for business activities. At the end of the program, partners are expected to be able to do, namely 1). business actors experienced a greater increase in production capacity. 2). business actors have an increased understanding of the importance of good financial bookkeeping. 3). business actors also experienced an increased understanding of the importance of labels (Halal and brands) as a marketing strategy and applying science and technology/electronic media as a means of promotion to increase sales.
Dewi Suryani Purba, Ardhariksa Zukhruf Kurniullah. dkk (Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2021) Manajemen Usaha Kecil dan Menengah
Falahuddin dan Munardi (UKMC. 2016) Pengembangan kerajinan masyarakat dengan Industri kreatif motif Aceh yang berlokasi di Desa Meunasah Rayeuk, Kecamatan Nisam, Kabupaten Aceh Utara. UKM Center (UKMC) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh.
Falahuddin, Fuadi, dan munandar (UKMC. 2018) Kajian Pemetaan Sosial di Desa Nibong Wakheuh Kecamatan Nibong dan Desa Lubok Pusaka Kecamatan Langkahan Kabupaten Aceh Utara. UKM Center (UKMC) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh.
Fuadi dan Falahuddin ( UKMC. 2018) Social Mapping di Desa Blang Seunong dan Desa Sijudo Kecamatan Pantee Bidari, Aceh Timur, UKM Center (UKMC) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh.
Falahuddin dan Fuadi (P3A, 2020) Pelatihan Manejemen Usaha bagi perempuan dalam mengelola usaha menjadi salah satu peningkatan motivasi bisnis dan mengetahui cara melakukan pembukuan sederhana bagi pelaku usaha binaan Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (P3A) Kabupaten Aceh Utara.
Falahuddin, fuadi, munandar, Pengabdian Kompetetif LPPM (2020), Peningkatan Kapasitas Entrepreneurship Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Pelatihan Digital Business Bagi Calon Wirausaha Muda Kota Lhokseumawe. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyasarkat (LPPM) universitas Malikussaleh.
Falahuddin, Faculty Economy and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh
<strong>International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology And Green Energy (IRPITAGE)</strong> is a scientific journal that presents the results of scientific works sourced from Community Service in Indonesia. Contains All Forms of Novelty Innovations in both scientific science and technology, as well as issues of limited energy and the social environment in society.This journal is intended as a medium for scientific studies of research results from implementation to the community, thoughts and critical-analytic studies on various issues that can be utilized both nationally and internationally. The scientific article is in the form of a study of the implementation of Community Service that can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally. IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika as part of the spirit of disseminating knowledge resulting from community service carried out by researchers in Indonesia. The IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika provides articles that can be downloaded for free. With a schedule of publications 3 (three) times a year.