International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy (IRPITAGE) <p><strong>International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy (IRPITAGE)</strong> is a community service journal that presents the results of scientific community service. Contains all forms of novelty innovations in both scientific science and technology, as well as issues of limited energy and the social environment in society.</p> <p>This journal is intended as a medium for scientific studies of community service results from implementation, thoughts and critical-analytic studies on various issues that can be utilized both nationally and internationally. The scientific community service article is in the form of a study of the implementation that can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally. IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika as part of the spirit of disseminating knowledge resulting carried out by researchers. The IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika provides articles that can be downloaded for free with a schedule of publications 3 (three) times a year.</p> RADJA PUBLIKA en-US International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy (IRPITAGE) 2808-8611 SHARING TAKJIL, BREAKING THE BREAK TOGETHER AND SUPPORTING THE SERDANG BEDAGAI STUDENTS ASSOCIATION ORPHANAGE WITH RADJA PUBLIKA AND RADJA PUSTAKA LHOKSEUMAWE NORTH ACEH 2024 <p><em>Sharing takjil, breaking the fast together, and providing donations to children from orphanages are social initiatives that aim to strengthen relationships between individuals and provide assistance to those in need, especially children from orphanages, realizing the concern of lecturers and administrators of Radja Publica Grub and</em><em>IKMA SERGAI in increasing the sense of social concern for others, instilling human values ​​so that the next generation has a strong sense of empathy</em><em>. This is based</em><em>Law Number 4 of 1979, LN.19979-32 concerning child welfare, article 4 (1) states that "children who do not have parents have the right to receive care from the state or person or body".</em><em>These activities include distributing takjil to people who are fasting, breaking the fast together to increase the sense of togetherness, and providing compensation to children in orphanages as a form of social care.</em></p> Rico Nur Ilham Irada Sinta Muammar Khaddafi Likdanawati Hamdiah Sutriani Copyright (c) 2024 Rico Nur Ilham, Irada Sinta, Muammar Khaddafi, Likdanawati, Hamdiah, Sutriani 2024-05-12 2024-05-12 4 1 32 35 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1578 OPTIMIZATION OF TURNOVER THROUGH IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY OF PROCESSED GAR-DERIVATIVE PRODUCTS IN KWALA BEGUMIT VILLAGE, STABAT DISTRICT <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; color: #252525;">Agarwood is a tree from the genus Aquaria which generally grows in Southeast Asia and South Asia. The Cagar Jaga Nusantara Cooperative is a cooperative that works to promote and preserve agarwood plants as a commodity that produces a positive impact on humans. Apart from empowering this cooperative, this cooperative also directly participates in the processing of agarwood plants, processing various types of derivative products made from agarwood, such as agarwood soap, coffee, agarwood tea, agarwood buhur (incense), agarwood sapwood and distilled water. Activities that have been carried out include training, education and teaching to the team to improve the quality and productivity of 'Herbal Agarwood Tea'. The potential for developing other processed agarwood products, such as soap and distilled water, will be studied further. This has the opportunity to increase the amount of money generated. Businesses will become more creative with this training, and it can open up jobs for the local community. Therefore, it is hoped that business people will become pioneers of Agarwood Products in North Sumatra.</span></em></p> Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar Adika Fajar Putra Jane Melita Keliat Copyright (c) 2024 Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar, Adika Fajar Putra, Jane Melita Keliat 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 4 1 75 77 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1718 TROUT HATCHERIES IN JAMMU AND KASHMIR: REVIEWING STATUS, CHALLENGES, AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-IN" style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Trout hatcheries in Jammu and Kashmir have an important role in the global recreational fishing industry and in the preservation and management of aquatic environments. The present status of trout hatcheries is summarized in this review study, with an emphasis on the historical relevance, species diversity, breeding methods, economic opportunities, current problems, developments, conservation efforts, disease management and possible further orientations of the industry. We look at a number of topics, such as disease control, environmental factors, breeding methods, and sustainable practices. This work attempts to offer ideas for enhancing trout fishery and hatchery operations and guaranteeing the long-term sustainability of the trout population in Jammu and Kashmir by reviewing the literature and local efforts that have already been written. Additionally, it provides recommendations for ways to improve the sustainability and efficacy of these efforts. This review investigates the inherent advantages of trout fish in Jammu and Kashmir, focusing on their importance, problems, ecological value, opportunities for sustainable development, and the overall dangers to their survival.</span></p> Arif Hussain Pandith NaoremRojita Devi Copyright (c) 2024 Arif Hussain Pandith, NaoremRojita Devi 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 4 1 20 26 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1523 "UNLOCKING THE POWER OF CORE STRENGTH: EXPLORING THE IMPACT ON KEY PULMONARY VARIABLES (VO2 AND FEV1)" <p><em>For the purpose of the study 45 students from Government Higher Secondary school Barbugh Imamsahib Shopian India were selected as subjects. The subjects were divided into three (3) groups of fifteen (15), namely yogic practice group, core strength and combined training group. The VO2max (Maximum oxygen consumption) and FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume One Second) were selected as variables. The selected subjects were given training for 12 weeks, 4 days a week and 45 to 60 minutes per day with suitable warming up and cooling down exercise. The criterion variables were tested prior to and immediately after the training programme. The collected data were analysed using ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) and Scheffes post hoc test was applied to know the paired mean differences if the optioned ‘F’ ratio was significant. The level of significance fixed at 0.05. After investigate the study, there was a significant difference among experimental groups on selected VO2max and FEV1 parameters.</em></p> Gowhar Ahmad Thokar Professor Dharamveer Singh Copyright (c) 2024 Gowhar Ahmad Thokar, Professor Dharamveer Singh 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 4 1 66 70 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1685 REALIZING SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE WITH EMPOWERMENT AND APPLICATION OF BIOSAKA INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY IN SEUMANTOK VILLAGE, WEST ACEH <h3>The problem of unbalanced use of inorganic fertilizers and in the long term it can cause damage to the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil as well as changes in the balance of soil nutrients, so that it produces unproductive marginal land for sustainable crop cultivation. Biosaka can be an effective and efficient innovation to reduce dependence on the use of inorganic fertilizers and minimize farming production costs. This community service was carried out in Seumantok Village, West Aceh. Methods for implementing community service include socialization, technical guidance in making biosaka and evaluation with questionnaires. The results obtained by the community are able to understand the meaning of biosaka and its benefits, how to make biosaka, and how to apply biosaka to cultivated plants. This biosaka eliminator is expected to be able to have a good effect on agricultural land, able to reduce the use of inorganic materials and maximize crop production potential in Seumantok Village, West Aceh.</h3> Dewi Andriani Lias Harapan Fantashir Awwal Fuqara Jekki Irawan Putri Mustika Sari Abdul Muzammil Anisah Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Andriani, Lias Harapan, Fantashir Awwal Fuqara, Jekki Irawan, Putri Mustika Sari, Abdul Muzammil, Anisah Nasution 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 4 1 7 14 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1494 ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF THE COMMUNITY OF BATU LAYANG CISSARUA VILLAGE, BOGOR <h3><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Skills Training has been implemented in Batu Layang Village, Cisarua Subdistrict, Bogor, to increase local communities' economic empowerment. This program aims to provide knowledge and skills to Batu Layang Village residents so they can manage small and medium businesses more effectively. The training method involves workshops, practical training, group discussions, and direct mentoring by experts in the MSME field. The training results showed a significant increase in participants' knowledge and skills, increased income, and the opening of new jobs at the local level. An evaluative discussion regarding the program's success was carried out, including identifying challenges faced and recommendations for strengthening the program's sustainability in the future. This program has had a significant positive impact on the economic empowerment of the Batu Layang Village community and can be an example of similar efforts in other areas.&nbsp; </em></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> Achmad Jaelani Winaya Purwanti Hastuti Indra Sari Safrudin Bambang Santosa Arsid Harnovinsah Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Jaelani, Winaya Purwanti, Hastuti Indra Sari, Safrudin, Bambang Santosa, Arsid, Harnovinsah 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 4 1 55 60 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1667 DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM VILLAGES THROUGH BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS IN AN EFFORT TO ATTRACT THE INTEREST OF TOURISTS IN SEMANGAT VILLAGE BARUSJAHE DISTRICT, KARO DISTRICT <p><em>Tourism continues to grow in Indonesia because it creates jobs, increases welfare and increases regional income. The tourism community for sustainable rural development is accelerated by the tourism sector. Tourism villages utilize existing community potential to empower the community and improve their welfare. Tourism villages reflect the natural richness of the countryside and the socio-economic and cultural situation. Rural tourism encourages villages to preserve culture and nature to attract tourists. Local and foreign tourists know this Karo Regency tourist spot. Karo Regency offers natural, artistic, cultural and historical tourism. Barusjahe District, Karo Regency has Roh Village. Roh Village has natural hot springs that flow directly from springs with the potential for plantations and medicinal plants to be used for agrotourism. All community facilities and infrastructure are complete, but need maintenance and development. Activities that have been carried out include socialization regarding increasing tourist interest in Spirit Village, Barusjahe District, Karo Regency. </em></p> Beby Kendida Hasibuan Gustanto Muhammad Anggia Muchtar Copyright (c) 2024 Beby Kendida Hasibuan, Gustanto, Muhammad Anggia Muchtar 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 4 1 95 98 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1731 MANUFACTURER PRICE SURVEY RESULTS OF BANK INDONESIA LHOKSEUMAWE WORKING AREA MONTH APRIL 2024 Collaboration between the Bank Indonesia (BI) Lhokseumawe Representative Office and the Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University <p>The development of the Strategic Food Price Information Center (PIHPS) is a real effort from the TPID Pokjanas to facilitate the development of a food information system which also functions as a national scale food price control policy coordination system. PIHPS aims to be a price monitoring tool, policy coordination and a means to expand access to price information for the public. The number of samples of "producers" surveyed was 27 price data for 7 commodities in districts/cities which had been determined based on the results of the initial identification survey discussion meeting. With the results of the producer price survey, most producer prices fell.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muammar Khaddafi Mohd Heikal Chalirafi Munandar Rico Nur Ilham T. Edyansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Muammar Khaddafi, Mohd Heikal, Chalirafi, Munandar, Rico Nur Ilham, T. Edyansyah 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 4 1 36 47 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1605 THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT IN ASSISTANCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF OYSTER MUSHROOM BUSINESSES TO IMPROVE THE ECONOMY OF THE VILLAGE COMMUNITY BLOK 10 DOLOK MASIHUL DISTRICT <p><em>This research aims to describe the role of the government in assisting the development of the oyster mushroom business to improve the economy of the village community in Block 10, Dolok Masihul District. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection method used was observation, interviews, documentation, and the analytical processing technique used was descriptive qualitative. Coordination and Discussion: The PKM team coordinates and discusses with partners to understand their needs and problems in developing the business. Support and attention from various parties, especially related government institutions, is very important for small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) such as these PKM partners. Implementation of the Domas Oyster Mushroom (Jatiramdo) business development strategy is carried out through programs or activities such as increasing the number of special memberships for oyster mushroom farmers, increasing member innovation and creativity, socialization and guidance programs, and purchasing unsold harvests. The implementation of the Domas Oyster Mushroom (Jatiramdo) business development strategy can be said to be successful, the members admitted that there was an increase in knowledge and skills in the agricultural sector, obtained new information about agriculture, and the members became creative and innovative members in terms of processed oyster mushroom products.</em></p> Hastuti Handayani Harahap Indra Welly Arifin Frederick Rudy Sentosa Rajagukguk Copyright (c) 2024 Hastuti Handayani Harahap, Indra Welly Arifin, Frederick Rudy Sentosa Rajagukguk 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 4 1 78 84 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1724 USE OF BAGS AS CHARCOAL BRICKETS AS A WASTE SOLUTION IN LANGSA CITY IN ALUE DUA VILLAGE, LANGSA BARO DISTRICT, LANGSA CITY <p><em>There is quite a lot of sugarcane bagasse waste in Langsa City which is not utilized properly and only ends up in the city landfill. This sugarcane bagasse waste can be processed and utilized into a high-value product, namely charcoal briquettes. Where currently the demand for energy sources that are environmentally friendly and have affordable prices is very popular with the public both at home and abroad. Therefore, to reduce sugarcane bagasse waste and make it of high economic value, training was held on making charcoal briquettes from bagasse and improving the community's economy. This service activity will be carried out in Alue Dua Village, Langsa Baro District. The output of this activity is the creation of briquette charcoal products and increasing partner income. The results achieved in this activity were to increase the partners' insight into processing sugarcane bagasse into charcoal briquettes. In the future, partners also hope that there will be training related to digital marketing for the products they produce.</em></p> Faoeza Hafiz Saragih Haikal Fajri Defri Basrin Copyright (c) 2024 Faoeza Hafiz Saragih, Haikal Fajri, Defri Basrin 2024-05-12 2024-05-12 4 1 27 31 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1577 CHRYSANTHEMUM ANTI AGING CREAM BUSINESS MODEL TO ENHANCE COMMUNITY INCOME IN RAYA TOURISM VILLAGE <p><em>The village-owned enterprise agency is formed from the results of the community of the village of Raya, which aims to develop the economy of the surrounding community. One of the business units that BUMDes Arih Ersada owns is Agrowisata. BUMDes Arih Ersada currently provides the agrowisata experience, which includes visiting the 1000 flower garden and exploring the flower market. Therefore, BUMDES Arih ERsada wants to develop the experience of agrovisata by providing the products produced from the plantations of these flowers. The business partner of this international devotion program is BUMDES Arih Ersada, who participates in the provision of raw materials and places of devotion during this activity. The raw material provided by BUMDES is a chrysanthemum plant, which is an outstanding plant according to the Ministry of Tourism. Activities that have been carried out include socialization on improving the management of high-speed tourism villages, socialization on the use of chrysanthemum as an anti-aging cream, Material Exhibition Business model Canvas&nbsp; anti-aging cream</em></p> Isfenti Sadalia Yasmin Chairunnisa Muchtar Yeni Absah Mahatir Muhammad Jane Melita Keliat Copyright (c) 2024 Isfenti Sadalia, Yasmin Chairunnisa Muchtar, Yeni Absah, Mahatir Muhammad, Jane Melita Keliat 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 4 1 71 74 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1692 THE IMPACT OF EARLY DELHI SULTANATE'S MILITARY AND POLITICAL STRATEGIES ON MEDIEVAL INDIA <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>This research paper examines the political and military strategies of the early sultans of Delhi, namely Muhammad Ghori, Qutb-ud-din Aibak, and Iltutmish. The study explores their conquests and their impact on the political landscape of medieval India. The research draws on various primary and secondary sources to assess the military tactics, administrative policies, and socio-political conditions of the time. It analyses how these sultans sought to consolidate their power, expand their territories, and assert their authority over the diverse regions of India. The study also evaluates the long-term consequences of these conquests on the subsequent history of the subcontinent, including the emergence of a new ruling elite, the spread of Islam, and the fragmentation of political power. Overall, this paper offers insights into the complex processes of state-building and imperial expansion in medieval India and sheds light on the enduring legacies of the early sultans of Delhi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr. Khalid Bashir Mr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Khalid Bashir, Mr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 4 1 15 19 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1504 SOCIALIZATION OF PREVENTION OF KIDNEY FAILURE IN THE SIMPANG TIGA HEALTH CENTER WORKING AREA ACEH BESAR <p><em>Kidney failure has become a serious problem for public health in the world.</em> <em>This population increase is due to the lack of public awareness of living a healthy lifestyle and the increasing incidence of diseases which are risk factors.</em> <em>The aim of this activity is to provide information in the form of education to the public regarding kidney failure.</em> <em>Method: This community service activity was carried out in the work area of ​​the Simpang Tiga Health Center, Aceh Besar Regency.</em> <em>The number of participants was 30 people who were health cadres and community leaders.</em> <em>This activity includes counseling and discussion.</em> <em>The results of Community Service Activities (PKM) provide information and knowledge about kidney failure.</em> <em>Healthy living behaviors that are still not implemented include lack of exercise, consumption of instant food and packaged drinks.</em> <em>This habit has been understood by the public as a risk factor for kidney failure.</em> <em>Conclusion: Increased risk factors from a history of disease and less healthy living behavior need to be of concern to all related parties, namely individuals, community leaders/health cadres, and related government institutions, especially community health centers as primary health service locations that carry out promotive and preventive efforts.</em> <em>It is necessary to identify two historical diseases that are risk factors for kidney failure, namely diabetes mellitus and hypertension</em></p> Aditya Candra Tahara Dilla Santi Zurriyani Andri Ika Waraztuty Farid Bastian Said Aandy Saida Muhammad Yani Fuadi Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Candra, Tahara Dilla Santi, Zurriyani, Andre, Waraztuty, Farid Bastian, Said Aandy Saida, Muhammad Yani, Fuadi 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 4 1 61 65 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1676 INTRODUCTION TO USING ONION CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES TSS (TRUE SHALLOT SEED) IN GAMPONG LADANG VILLAGE WEST ACEH <p>The cultivated method for some commodity of plant is one of the keys for optimum production. Shallot is one of main commodity of horticulture that has not been widely cultivated in Aceh Province especially in Gampong Ladang village West Aceh. The introduction of TSS (True Shallot Seed) is one of main idea to promote botany seed of shallot as planting material on shallot cultivation with more benefit compared of shallot bulb. The activities of public service were held in Gampong Ladang West Aceh. The methode of this activity include of: socialization, technical guidance of shallot cultivation, technic of land preparation, technic of seed germination, plantation in field, and evaluated with questioner method. The results obtained by the community are able to cultivated of shallot using TSS. The introduction and implementation of TSS on shallot cultivated is expected as information and made farmers interested to planted shallot in large area and make Gampong Ladang as centra of shallot production especially in West Aceh.</p> Jekki Irawan Maulidil Fajri Muhammad Jalil Iwandikasyah Putra Iwandikasyah Putra Dewi Andriani Izwar Chairul Musca Ediyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jekki Irawan, Maulidil Fajri, Muhammad Jalil, Iwandikasyah Putra, Iwandikasyah Putra, Dewi Andriani, Izwar, Chairul Musca, Ediyanto 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 4 1 1 6 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1493 SOCIALIZATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF ECONOMIC GROWTH TOWARDS INTEREST IN DIGITAL INVESTMENT TO STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITAS MALIKUSSALEH <p><em>Socializing the Relationship between Economic Growth and Interest in Digital Investment to Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Economics, Malikussaleh University is very important in this digital era. Rapid economic growth in the digital era has created various new investment opportunities, including in digital sectors such as cryptocurrencies, technology stocks and other online investment platforms. However, students' understanding and interest in digital investment still varies. Discussion of digital-based financial literacy in investment has shown its impact in increasing students' awareness and interest in making digital investments and digital-based financial literacy can help students understand the use of digital investment applications and the risks of loss and profit opportunities that can be obtained. In the digital era, mastery of technology is an important key in winning business competition, as well as in understanding financial investment opportunities by utilizing financial technology. The Bachelor of Business Management and Administration program is designed to prepare graduates who are able to create innovations in the financial sector to meet investment needs. Economic growth plays an important role in increasing interest in digital investment among students. Therefore, it is recommended that educational institutions strengthen financial and economic education to prepare students to face the digital investment era. Apart from that, more intensive outreach regarding digital investment opportunities and risks is needed to increase investment literacy among students.</em></p> Reza Juanda Rico Nur Ilham Fuadi Arliansyah Muttaqien Sufi Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Juanda, Rico Nur Ilham, Fuadi, Arliansyah, Muttaqien, Sufi 2024-05-26 2024-05-26 4 1 48 54 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1641 POTENTIAL FOR IMPLEMENTING GREEN ECONOMY AND BLUE ECONOMY IN SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT AT THE G20 FORUM WITH CIRCULAR ECONOMY AS NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY <p><em>This research aims to describe the potential for implementing the Green Economy and Blue Economy towards Sustainable Global Economic Development at the G20 Forum with Circular Economy as National Environmental Policy. This research is quantitative research using a survey method. The data collection method in this research, the researcher tries to find information related to this discussion in the form of facts, opinions and archival records. The data analysis technique in this research uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results of the first hypothesis were accepted that the Green Economy (X1) had an effect on the Circular Economy (Z). The second hypothesis is rejected that the Blue Economy (X2) has no effect on the Circular Economy (Z). The third hypothesis is accepted that the Green Economy (X1) influences the Global Economy (Y). The fourth hypothesis is accepted that the Blue Economy (X2) influences the Global Economy (Y).The fifth hypothesis is accepted that Circular Economy (Z) influences the Global Economy (Y).The sixth hypothesis is accepted that Green Economy (X1) has a significant effect on Global Economy (Y) through Circular Economy (Z). The seventh hypothesis is accepted. Blue Economy (X2) has a significant effect on Global Economy (Y) through Circular Economy (Z).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Frederick Rudy Sentosa Rajagukguk Hastuti Handayani Harahap Indra Welly Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Frederick Rudy Sentosa Rajagukguk, Hastuti Handayani Harahap, Indra Welly Arifin 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 4 1 86 95 10.54443/irpitage.v4i1.1725