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Aijaz Ahmad Wani
Since the discovery of oil wealth in the region of Middle East it became the battle ground for great States to compete on. Particularly after the world war 2ndtill this date the great states like Britain, France, Russia and China are early watching the chessboard to manipulate an opportunity in their favour. It is this competition over the oil of Middle East which has left the control of America both insecure and competitive.
For some discussion of this point, see my chapter “What directions for the disarmament movement?,” in Michael Albert and David Dellinger, eds., Beyond Survival: New Directions for the Disarmament Movement, (South End, Boston, 1983).
Cited in Gabriel Kolko, The Politics of War (Random House, New York, 1968, p. 188),
Wittner, American Intervention in Greece, pp. 119, 88.
Ibid, pp. 1, 149, 154, 296; see the same source for an extensive review and documentation.
Ibid, pp. 80, 232.
For discussion, see TNCW, chapters 2, 11, and references cited there.
New York Times, August 6, 1954; see TNCW, p. 99, for further quotes and comment.
Cited in TNCW, p. 457, from MERIP Reports, May 1981; also, J. of Palestine Studies,
Spring 1981. The source is a memorandum obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.