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Windi Puspita Dian Sari Hasibuan
Paham Ginting
Endang Sulistya Rini
The form of product service developed by the bank is Electronic Banking or commonly referred to as E-Banking. BNI has E-Channel designation as E-Banking service product. E-Banking is one of bank services that enables customers to obtain information, can make communication and banking transactions through the Internet, and not a bank that only provides banking services through the internet. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the influence of competitive advantage and e-banking facility to customer satisfaction with customer trust of e-banking user as intervening variable at PT. Bank Negara Indonesi (Persero), Tbk Padangsidimpuan Branch. Data collection in this research is done through survey approach with quantitative descriptive research type by spreading questionnaire to 94 people. Data analysis method used is path analysis (path analysis). The results showed that simultaneously showed competitive advantage and e-banking facilities have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Partially Competitive advantage positively and significantly to customer satisfaction. The e-banking facility has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Competitive advantage positively and positively influence to the belief of customer of e-banking user. The e-banking facility has a positive and significant impact on the e-banking customer's confidence. The e-banking facility has a positive and significant impact on the e-banking customer's confidence. The e-banking customer's confidence has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Competitive Advantages and e-banking Facility Positive Influence on Customer Satisfaction through Customer Confidence e-banking users as intervening variable at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Padangsidimpuan Branch.
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