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Shabir Ahmad Lone
Javad Ahmad Mir
This research paper delves into the historical evolution of the status of women in Kashmiri society, tracing the transformation of their roles, rights, and societal perceptions across different epochs. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, the study integrates historical narratives, sociological analyses, and cultural perspectives to comprehend the nuanced shifts in the position of women within the intricate fabric of Kashmiri society. The investigation commences with an exploration of prehistoric Kashmir, examining indigenous practices, societal norms, and the initial roles ascribed to women. Subsequent sections scrutinize key historical periods, including medieval times, Mughal rule, Sikh dominance, and the impact of colonialism, shedding light on how these eras influenced and, in turn, were shaped by the changing status of women. The paper also scrutinizes religious and cultural factors, emphasizing the impact of Islam on gender dynamics and the subsequent reinterpretations of religious teachings over time. It addresses the role of education, legal reforms, and socio-political movements in shaping the narrative of women's rights, showcasing the interplay between local traditions and global influences.
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