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Afforestation and tree planting are important programmes for climate change mitigation and environmental conservation. However, the effectiveness of these programmes is often constrained by a lack of monitoring, documentation, and community involvement. The implementation of digital technology is an innovative solution to overcome these challenges. This community service aims to integrate digital technology in reforestation and tree planting programmes through the use of map-based applications, social media, and environmental sensors. This community service activity includes training on the use of location marker applications, monitoring tree growth with sensors, and digital campaigns to increase community participation. With the digital system, data related to tree conditions can be updated in real-time and easily accessed, so that it can help related parties in conducting evaluations and counselling that is more targeted. The results of this service show that digital technology increases community involvement, makes it easier to track the development of plants, and strengthens the transparency of the greening programme. This implementation is expected to become a model of sustainability in a wider community-based greening project.
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