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Fanny Nailufar
Cut Putri Mellita Sari
Yoesrizal Muhammad Yoesoef
Mukhlish Muhammad Nur
In the era of intense global competition, university students face significant challenges in entering the professional workforce. Recognizing this, a community engagement program was implemented at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh, focusing on enhancing students' skills in crafting effective curriculum vitae (CV). This program aimed to address gaps in understanding CV structures, integrating relevant skills, and optimizing content for specific industries. Through workshops, individual mentoring, and access to modern CV templates, students were trained to create professional, visually appealing CVs tailored to industry standards. The initiative demonstrated a positive impact, increasing students' awareness, confidence, and preparedness to compete in the job market. This program serves as a model for bridging the gap between academic learning and professional readiness, contributing to the development of competitive graduates ready for global opportunities.
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