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Bunga Aditi
Olga Theolina Sitorus
Sopi Pentana
In promoting superior products, technical training is needed for creative economy business partners, because creative economy business actors need strategies to be able to compete, especially in the global market. One of the keys to creative economy products being accepted and developed in the wider community is bypackagingattractive products and have good safety standards. Some creative economies in Indonesia have changed their packaging designs to be more attractive and hygienic. The packaging affects the sales value which continues to increase, one of which is the creative economy that changes their packaging design. So, the seller's turnover, on average, can increase by 74 percent in 3 months. This is the purpose of training for creative economy business actors in promoting superior products. The results of the study showedDuring training in promoting superior products, it is necessary to develop and improve the entrepreneurial spirit and explore business potential for creative economy business actors in Sudirejo I Village, Medan City District, so that in the current digitalization era by utilizing IT and mastery of electronic media for business development. Increasing the productivity of the creative economy can compete in current business developments can be done by utilizing Information Technology as a means of promotion and distribution of creative economy products through digital media so that it can provide ease of transaction relations between traders and consumers. Through this activity, it is expected to provide the ability of the creative economy to use and utilize the existence of Information Technology in marketing and business development towards a creative economy Based on Information Technology (e-business) which will have an impact on increasing sales transactions and income.
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