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Aditya Candra
Tahara Dilla Santi
Ika Waraztuty
Said Aandy Saida
Muhammad Yani
Education and health assessments for the elderly are essential for the community, particularly for senior citizens, and should be delivered using appropriate methods to ensure that the information is effectively received and can be applied in their daily lives. The aim of the health check-up is to identify diseases affecting the elderly in Luthu Lamweu village and to provide them with knowledge about effective prevention and treatment options. The team are conducted to help the elderly understand how to prevent and manage the illnesses they may encounter. Additional empowerment techniques involve performing health checks by monitoring vital signs, assessing blood glucose levels, and measuring oxygen saturation. The activities took place at the Luthu Lamweu meunasah, with participation from 25 elderly individuals. The health check-up results indicated that hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were the most prevalent conditions among the elderly in this village.
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