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Rina Maharany
Sri Murti Tarigan
Tifany Zia Aznur
Dina Arfianti Saragih
Delyana Rahmawany Pulungan
Ritna Wahyuni
Dion Nantoyo
Khairul Alfazar
Dinni Saqina
Aldo Dana Asneri Ahmad Lubis
Ananda Afriandi
Mutiara Cahyani
This community service activity is carried out with the aim of helping partners increase the added value and achieve zero waste from the empty fruit bunch waste produced by the Adolina PTPN IV palm oil mill. The increase in added value of empty fruit bunch waste from palm oil is achieved by processing it into biochar, as it has been proven to be one of the soil amendment technologies for sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices. This community service activity was carried out by initially producing biochar by a team of service providers consisting of lecturers and ITSI students, using raw materials obtained from the Adolina PTPN IV factory. After the biochar product was completed, the research results were disseminated as a practical product by directly applying it in the Adolina palm oil plantation area. This community service activity was carried out using methods of socialization, education, and evaluation for partners about biochar and its application in the Adolina plantation. The partners feel very happy and grateful for this activity as they gained new information and added practical skills about alternative uses of biochar as an organic fertilizer that can enhance soil fertility and improve the quality of the plants (oil palm fruits) produced. Partners also provided input to continue working together in enhancing the capacity of human resources and institutions through research and community service collaborations, so that it can be more optimal and extensive in deepening the application of appropriate technology in plantation lands, potentially leading to commercialization products that can benefit both parties..
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