International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy (IRPITAGE) <p><strong>International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology and Green Energy (IRPITAGE)</strong> is a community service journal that presents the results of scientific community service. Contains all forms of novelty innovations in both scientific science and technology, as well as issues of limited energy and the social environment in society.</p> <p>This journal is intended as a medium for scientific studies of community service results from implementation, thoughts and critical-analytic studies on various issues that can be utilized both nationally and internationally. The scientific community service article is in the form of a study of the implementation that can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally. IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika as part of the spirit of disseminating knowledge resulting carried out by researchers. The IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika provides articles that can be downloaded for free with a schedule of publications 3 (three) times a year.</p> en-US (Rico Nur Ilham) (Admin Radja Publika) Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 EMPOWERMENT OF TUNAS BARU FARMER GROUP OF DENAI BIRD'S NEST VILLAGE THROUGH INCREASING ADDED VALUE AND UTILIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION RESIDUES <p><em>The community service program aims to improve production efficiency and add value to the Tunas Baru Farmer Group in Denai Sarang Burung Village, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. The farmer group faces challenges in separating rice and rice husk due to their reliance on mobile rice milling services (odong-odong). Through the provision of a rice milling machine, this program helps enhance the quality of rice and utilize the husk as animal feed, ultimately providing a positive impact on the sustainability of agricultural production and the household economy of the farmers.</em></p> Syech Suhaimi, Nurmala Fitri, Ramli, Syaad Afifuddin, Monika Andrasari Copyright (c) 2024 Syech Suhaimi, Nurmala Fitri, Ramli, Syaad Afifuddin, Monika Andrasari Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CAA IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FOR MINORITY COMMUNITIES IN INDIA AND BORDER STATES <p><em>The Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019, (Act) narrows India's path to citizenship and calls into question its secular beliefs. This is the first time that India has been designated as a Hindu country. The Act grants Hindu, Christian&nbsp;Sikh, Parsi,&nbsp;Buddhist,, and Jain&nbsp;&nbsp;immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh Indian citizenship. The legislation offers them citizenship if they arrived in India before December 14, 2014. Due to its multicultural, multilingual, and multi religious communities, India is known for its unity in diversity. This article focuses on the Indian Parliament's approval of the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019 (CAA) impacting minority populations in India and its neighbouring states. Minority populations in modern South Asian countries suffer a number of challenges. As a result, numerous countries create policies and adopt laws to safeguard the weak. Minorities worldwide form diverse cultures and communities. For nations to transform their organisations and cultures into a civilized world that achieves unity in diversity, empowerment is required. Majority-minority tensions are surfacing at an alarming rate in Asia and Africa's emerging and poor nations. This article examines the flaws in the Indian government's Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019, which discriminates against some minority groups' fundamental rights and the Indian Constitution's secular ethos. This research also aims to address issues that have plagued minority populations since antiquity. South Asian governments and majority-minority organisations are encouraged to use innovative ways. Culture, customs, religion, race, color, caste, and creed separate minorities. This study looks into many facts, causes, and interactions in the Amendment Act of 2019, with an emphasis on religious minorities and their rights. Many issues that impact minority communities in South Asian countries are being investigated for their cause-and-effect relationships.</em></p> Peer Amir Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Peer Amir Ahmad Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TRAINING PROGRAM BY LECTURERS FOR STUDENTS ABOUT ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS <p>Business ethics is everything about guiding norms for a company in making decisions. Business ethics has several theoretical explanations, namely the theory of virtue, theory of rights, theory of deontology, theory of teleology. Ethics is defined as an individual's beliefs about whether certain decisions, behaviors or actions are right or wrong. Ethical behavior in cross-cultural and international contexts is how organizations treat employees, how employees treat organizations, how organizations and employees treat other economic agents. Social responsibility is a collection of organizational obligations to protect and promote the community in which the organization works. . Some organizations recognize that they have all three areas of responsibility and strive to achieve this, others emphasize only one or two areas of social responsibility. And very few do not know social responsibility at all.</p> Azhar, M.subhan, Rico Nur Ilham Copyright (c) 2025 Azhar, M.subhan, Rico Nur Ilham Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF OIL PALM CULTIVATION WITH GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (GAP) AND GOOD HANDLING PRACTICES (GHP) FOR SUPPORTING ISPO IN KUALA PESISIR DISTRICT NAGAN RAYA REGENCY <p><em>Nagan Raya District, with an area of 52,228 hectares of oil palm plantation with CPO production of 98,620 tons in 2023 (Plantation Office of Nagan Raya District, 2023). These plantations are managed by large companies and smallholders who are members of cooperatives or farmer groups, making it the main economic sector in the area. The development of Nagan Raya's oil palm plantations, continues to increase thanks to the replanting program conducted by the government and the private sector to replace old plants with superior seedlings that are more productive and disease-resistant. The implementation of better agricultural practices, such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP), also plays an important role in improving productivity and crop quality. The training was conducted over two days, on September 10-11, 2024, at the Kuala Pesisir sub-district Vocational Training Center (BLK). The training method included detailed material explanations and discussion sessions. The materials were delivered systematically using real-life examples to facilitate participants' understanding. GAP and GHP training is necessary for farmers in Kuala Pesisir sub-district to improve the productivity and quality of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and to preserve the environment. The training supports compliance with certification standards such as the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), which opens access to global markets and increases the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil products. The training ensures that all palm oil businesses meet permitted agricultural standards, including sustainable cultivation practices and good environmental management. So that palm oil products are recognized as sustainable and environmentally friendly products in accordance with ISPO standards. In addition, improving the welfare of oil palm farmers will support them in better providing for their families. Prosperous farmers are not only able to fulfill their daily needs but also contribute to the region and country.</em></p> Aswin Nasution, Abdul Latif, Bagio, Muhammad Jalil, Qhisthina Atikah, Sri Handayani, Akhmad Baihaqi, Rusdi Faizin Copyright (c) 2024 Aswin Nasution, Abdul Latif, Bagio, Muhammad Jalil, Qhisthina Atikah, Sri Handayani, Akhmad Baihaqi, Rusdi Faizin Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EDUCATION AND HEALTH CHECK-UP FOR THE ELDERLY IN LUTHU LAMWEU VILLAGE, ACEH BESAR DISTRICT <p><em>Education and health assessments for the elderly are essential for the community, particularly for senior citizens, and should be delivered using appropriate methods to ensure that the information is effectively received and can be applied in their daily lives. The aim of the health check-up is to identify diseases affecting the elderly in Luthu Lamweu village and to provide them with knowledge about effective prevention and treatment options. The team are conducted to help the elderly understand how to prevent and manage the illnesses they may encounter. Additional empowerment techniques involve performing health checks by monitoring vital signs, assessing blood glucose levels, and measuring oxygen saturation. The activities took place at the Luthu Lamweu meunasah, with participation from 25 elderly individuals. The health check-up results indicated that hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were the most prevalent conditions among the elderly in this village.</em></p> Aditya Candra, Tahara Dilla Santi, Zurriyani, Andri, Ika Waraztuty, Said Aandy Saida, Muhammad Yani Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Candra, Tahara Dilla Santi, Zurriyani, Andri, Ika Waraztuty, Said Aandy Saida, Muhammad Yani Tue, 17 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF BLOCK CHAIN TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTRACTS IN FIQH MUAMALAH <p><em>This paper discusses the use of blockchain technology in the perspective of Islamic economics/Islamic finance. Blockchain technology has changed various sectors, including the financial sector, by providing a secure, decentralized and transparent system. In the context of Islamic economics, blockchain can provide additional benefits by ensuring compliance with sharia principles. This paper outlines how blockchain technology can be used in Islamic finance, such as payment, financing and investment systems that comply with sharia principles. Apart from that, this paper also discusses the potential for using smart contracts in Islamic economics to increase efficiency and transparency in transactions. Through this paper, it is hoped that it can be seen how blockchain technology can strengthen the principles of Islamic finance and facilitate the development of a sharia-based financial sector.</em></p> Samsudin, Asmuni, Tuti Anggraini Copyright (c) 2024 Samsudin, Asmuni, Tuti Anggraini Sat, 16 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EMPOWERING STUDENTS FOR THE JOB MARKET: INSIGHTS FROM A CV ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM <p><em>In the era of intense global competition, university students face significant challenges in entering the professional workforce. Recognizing this, a community engagement program was implemented at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh, focusing on enhancing students' skills in crafting effective curriculum vitae (CV). This program aimed to address gaps in understanding CV structures, integrating relevant skills, and optimizing content for specific industries. Through workshops, individual mentoring, and access to modern CV templates, students were trained to create professional, visually appealing CVs tailored to industry standards. The initiative demonstrated a positive impact, increasing students' awareness, confidence, and preparedness to compete in the job market. This program serves as a model for bridging the gap between academic learning and professional readiness, contributing to the development of competitive graduates ready for global opportunities.</em></p> Fanny Nailufar, Khairisma, Cut Putri Mellita Sari, Yoesrizal Muhammad Yoesoef, Mukhlish Muhammad Nur, Agustinawati, Munardi Copyright (c) 2024 Fanny Nailufar, Khairisma, Cut Putri Mellita Sari, Yoesrizal Muhammad Yoesoef, Mukhlish Muhammad Nur, Agustinawati, Munardi Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ADVANCING HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN HEALTHCARE <p>The integration of robotics into healthcare has the potential to revolutionize patient care and support for caregivers, particularly through assistive technologies. However, effective Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) remains a critical challenge, limiting the adaptability, trust, and usability of these systems. This study explores advanced methodologies to enhance HRI for assistive robots, focusing on improving emotional intelligence, adaptability, and user experience. Key innovations include the implementation of AI-powered emotion recognition systems, adaptive interaction models using reinforcement learning, and multimodal communication that combines speech, gestures, and visual cues. These features aim to create intuitive and empathetic robotic systems that can better understand and respond to diverse patient needs. The proposed framework is tested in simulated healthcare environments, evaluating its effectiveness through metrics like usability, trust, and patient outcomes. Preliminary findings indicate that enhancing HRI significantly improves patient engagement and reduces caregiver burden. By addressing ethical considerations and cultural sensitivities, this research contributes to the development of socially acceptable, technically advanced assistive technologies, paving the way for a more human-centered approach to robotics in healthcare.</p> Umme Sania, Syeda Hifsa Naaz Copyright (c) 2024 Umme Sania, Syeda Hifsa Naaz Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 EMPOWERMENT OF PKK COOPERATIVE JULI COT MEURAK TO INCREASE COMMUNITY INCOME IN ORDER TO SUPPORT SDGS AND ACCELERATE THE ERADICATION OF EXTREME POVERTY (P2KE) <p><em>One of the strategies used to empower women is to empower "women's cooperatives" as a means of additional capital in opening micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) for women. Cooperatives have a fairly large role in economic life, because cooperatives are legal entities based on family as stated in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. In Bireuen, there is a cooperative owned by the PKK mothers of Juli Cot Meurak Timur Village, Bireuen Regency. This cooperative is used to provide business capital loans to housewives who want to increase their business capital or open a business such as selling fried foods, selling cakes, handicrafts, and so on. Sharia cooperatives are one type of cooperative that operates based on Islamic sharia principles. The goal is to support the economic welfare of its members through savings and loan activities and business financing that is halal, free from usury, gharar (uncertainty), and maisir (speculation). This cooperative usually has several main characteristics, namely, Sharia Financing Using sharia contracts such as mudharabah (cooperation between capital owners and managers), murabahah (buying and selling with agreed profits), and musyarakah (profit sharing cooperation). Profit Sharing System Sharia cooperatives share profits based on a previously agreed ratio between members and the cooperative, not through interest. Supervision of the Sharia Board This cooperative is generally supervised by the Sharia Supervisory Board. The Board of Directors (DPS) to ensure that business activities remain in accordance with sharia principles, Focus on Islamic Values ​​Islamic cooperatives promote business ethics and values ​​such as justice, transparency, and social welfare for all members and Halal Products and Services Products or investments made must meet halal criteria, both from their source and their use</em></p> Mai Simahatie , Cut Fadhilah , Imam Malik, Ashraf Mauliddin , Nuratul Syiva , Rizaki Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Mai Simahatie , Cut Fadhilah , Imam Malik, Ashraf Mauliddin , Nuratul Syiva , Rizaki Akbar Sun, 27 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) HEALTHY ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL “SANTRI BERSERI” LHOKSEUMAWE CITY <p><em>The development of education is very important in improving the capacity of human resources (HR) and the quality of human life. Dayah is one of the educational institutions that has the ability to improve the competitiveness of HR in the technological era. Furthermore, the quality of superior HR can be influenced by the quality of health of students and the environment of educational institutions. The offline TOT service program for serial students in Lhokseumawe City aims to provide knowledge and understanding to students and teachers in the Dayah environment. Through the offline Training of Trainers (TOT) for serial santri in Lhokseumawe City to change the lifestyle of students to be healthier so that it has an impact on improving the quality of life of students at Ulumuddin Dayah, Misbahul Ulum Dayah, Ihyaussunnah Dayah and Mataqu dayah in Lhokseumawe City. The offline Training of Trainers (TOT) program for serial santri is a partnership program between the Unilever Indonesia Foundation (YUI) with its partners Heartindo and the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religion. The output of the offline Training of Trainers (TOT) program for serial santri is expected to have an impact on improving the quality of health and education of santri, teachers and schools or dayah.</em></p> Sapna Biby, Ikramuddin, Nurainun Copyright (c) 2024 Sapna Biby, Ikramuddin, Nurainun Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS ON WORKFORCE PRODUCTIVITY <p><em>This paper explores the economic benefits of physical fitness on workforce productivity, focusing on how improved physical health contributes to enhanced worker efficiency, reduced absenteeism, and lower healthcare costs. It examines various studies, workplace programs, and initiatives that promote physical fitness, highlighting the impact on employee performance and the broader economic outcomes for businesses and national economies. The paper also addresses the potential return on investment (ROI) for employers who invest in employee wellness programs, providing a comprehensive analysis of the economic advantages of promoting physical fitness in the workplace.</em></p> Ajaz Ahmad Dar, Irshad Ahmad Reshi Copyright (c) 2024 Ajaz Ahmad Dar, Irshad Ahmad Reshi Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPROVING THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF CHILDREN IN ORPHANAGES ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTION OF FREE SEX FROM AN EARLY AGE <p>Environmental health and free sex issues are important concerns in the context of sustainable development. Children in orphanages as part of a vulnerable group need to be equipped with knowledge and skills to face these challenges. This study aims to analyze strategies to improve the knowledge and skills of children in orphanages related to environmental health and early prevention of free sex. By using participatory methods and an education-based intervention approach, this study succeeded in improving children's understanding of these issues. These findings provide strategic recommendations for orphanage managers, the government, and related institutions to support the development of healthier and more empowered children.</p> Hamdiah, Sutriani, Muhammad Multazam, Em Yusuf Iis, Jumadiah, Rusydi Abubakar Copyright (c) 2024 Hamdiah, Sutriani, Muhammad Multazam, Em Yusuf Iis, Jumadiah, Rusydi Abubakar Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 TRAINING ON THE PREPARATION OF BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT THE EQUIVALENT TO IMPROVE INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS IN THE DIGITAL ERA IN THE CITY OF LHOKSEUMAWE <p>This community service program aims to provide training on the preparation of Business Model Canvas (BMC) to high school students in Lhokseumawe City. This training is important because before it is held, students do not understand the main components of BMC, including the appropriate target market. The main problem faced by students is the inability to identify the type of business and target market, so they have difficulty determining the right product or service. This training can improve students' understanding of various components of business, create a clear vision, and help them explore opportunities and challenges that exist in society. BMC training also encourages innovation and creative thinking, and helps to improve business performance on a regular basis. The implementation method used is through direct training with a focus on practical and applicative understanding of BMC. The results of this training are in the form of improving students' entrepreneurial skills, the ability to design product marketing strategies, adapting to market changes, and increasing business competitiveness. The resulting impact is that students are better prepared to face the business world in the future, and are able to develop a sustainable business by understanding and applying the Business Model Canvas design. The outcomes of this program include students' practical and strategic understanding of the preparation of innovative Canvas business models.</p> Muhammad Hafizh, Mutia Rahmah, Noviami Trisniarti, Nabila novianita, Safuani Marsya Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hafizh, Mutia Rahmah, Noviami Trisniarti, Nabila novianita, Safuani Marsya Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 YOUTH EMPOWERMENT: DIGITAL MARKETING AND CREATIVE DIGITAL PROCESSES TO IMPROVE BRANDING OF MSMEs AND HOMESTAY IN NAGARI MANINJAU <p><em>This community service activity was carried out at Nagari Maninjau Tourism Village, West Sumatra. Nagari Maninjau Tourism Village has great potential in tourism. The objectives of this activity are: 1) Increasing youth knowledge in digital use, 2) Developing youth creativity in creating tourism content, especially MSMEs and homestays, 3) Having a positive impact on business actors to create a creative and innovative environment. The target of this activity is the youth of Nagari Maninjau who take part in training activities, especially the Maninjau Kreative group. The method of implementing this community service is carried out through 4 processes, namely: preparation, digital marketing training, creative digital process assistance, and assessment. Mentoring activities are carried out by direct visits and online via WhatsApp. Assessment is carried out to find out how the impact of activities that have been carried out by the community. The results of this activity are the increased knowledge of youth in digital marketing, then the implementation of homestay video content and culinary product design, to the formation of the Maninjau Kreatif group and Instagram Maninjau Kreatif Forum.</em></p> Yolanda Febriani Naserd, Hermansyah, Yuliana, Retnaningtyas Susanti, Adril Kudri, Rosy Witrin, Andre Saprilla, Ovili Agnesia, Hafiz Ikhsan, Randrianirina Leonel Juliano Copyright (c) 2024 Yolanda Febriani Naserd, Hermansyah, Yuliana, Retnaningtyas Susanti, Adril Kudri, Rosy Witrin, Andre Saprilla, Ovili Agnesia, Hafiz Ikhsan, Randrianirina Leonel Juliano Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIGITALIZATION AND E-COMMERCE OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES ACEH SOUVENIRS IN MUARA BATU DISTRICT, NORTH ACEH REGENCY <p><em>Community service activities are carried out in Muara Batu District, North Aceh Regency. The determination of this location is based on several reasons, including the existence of Muara Batu District in the Malikussaleh University campus area which is directly adjacent to immigrants from students and people who work around the area, besides that, the main thing is that in Muara Batu District, North Aceh Regency, there are many Acehnese souvenir craftsmen who are still very behind in marketing their products so that craftsmen find it very difficult to achieve maximum sales achievement levels and this can result in production stalls which can have an effect on closing their businesses. The method of implementing community service is carried out with stages of preparation, training and mentoring as well as Monitoring and evaluation of activities, where we will monitor the craftsmen whether they have maximized their use of digital media in the process of selling their products. To facilitate the monitoring or evaluation process, the activity implementation team has also formed a WashUp group, where in the group the implementation team and the coaching team will interact and communicate with each other about matters relating to methods, strategies or matters relating to how to digitize the sale of Acehnese souvenir products. This activity was attended by UMKM craftsmen of Acehnese souvenirs, namely from Ule Madon Village, Meunasah Aron Village and Mane Tunoeng Village and craftsmen of other products as well, the Sub-district Head and also staff at the Sub-district Head's office, Mura Batu District, North Aceh Regency.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Murniati, Cut Sukmawati, Ti Aisyah, Aiyub, Nazaruddin, Grace Shella Karisma, Atikah Rifki Copyright (c) 2024 Murniati, Cut Sukmawati, Ti Aisyah, Aiyub, Nazaruddin, Grace Shella Karisma, Atikah Rifki Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BUILDING THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP SPIRIT OF STUDENTS THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING <p><em>The purpose of implementing community service is to learn the theory of entrepreneurship, to learn about entrepreneurial experience, To learn about practices in entrepreneurship. This community service was carried out on October 25-27, 2024, located at Dayah Bustanul Kiram, East Aceh Regency. The service was carried out flexibly, paying attention to and adjusting to conditions in the field (conditions and circumstances). Participants in the implementation of this community service were 15 students of Dayah Bustanul Kiram. From the Entrepreneurship Training activity, it became the first step in building the entrepreneurial spirit of Dayah Bustanul Kiram students. It is hoped that this program will be able to create students who not only have strong religious insight, but are also able to be economically independent through entrepreneurship. Thank you to Dayah Bustanul Kiram, participants, and the implementing team for their support and participation.</em></p> Ismuhadi, Azhari, Yusnidar, Ayu Anora, Putri Drissianti Copyright (c) 2024 Ismuhadi, Azhari, Yusnidar, Ayu Anora, Putri Drissianti Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZATION OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT THROUGH KELULUT BEE CULVITATION IN TANJUNG PASIR VILLAGE <p><em>Kelulut honey is one of the new commodities in Tanjung Pasir Village sub-district and is starting to be developed by the local community. The development of kelulut honey indirectly affects the income sector for the community and also has an impact on the development of tourism in the village. This study aims to identify and analyze the social capital used by the community in developing kelulut honey commodities. The research method used to conduct this study is a qualitative method that emphasizes the deepening of a meaning and phenomenon. The results of the study show that there is a use of social capital in efforts to develop kelulut honey as a community income sector and tourism sector. The social capital used includes: trust, networks and local community norms, so that the optimal use of social capital makes kelulut honey a commodity in Pantai Labu.</em></p> Wahyu Ario Pratomo, Baktiar Bin Musa, Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar, Yola Anggia, Walad Altsani Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Ario Pratomo, Baktiar Bin Musa, Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar, Yola Anggia, Walad Altsani Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EMPOWERMENT OF PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF UMKM BUMG AMAL BAKERY THROUGH DIGITAL MEDIA IN GAMPONG COT GIREK KANDANG, MUARA DUA DISTRICT, LHOKSEUMAWE CITY <p><em>Digital media is the right way to open up opportunities to promote MSME products. Gampong Cot Girek Kandang, precisely in the Muara Dua sub-district of Lhokseumawe City, is one of the areas that has the MSME product Amal Bakery owned by the Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMG). This product is extraordinary if promoted outside the region, but the digital media facilities are inadequate. In fact, digital media is easy to apply for its users. Therefore, the purpose of this PKM is to empower the promotion strategy of amal bakery through digital media for the community via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Shoppe. Community service is carried out as a series of work programs. The technique of participatory assessment results for MSME actors, then a work plan is built to promote together. Based on the results of the empowerment carried out, it can be concluded that it is important for each village to have existing digital media, so that if they have implemented products that can increase the community's economy, then through empowering the promotion strategy through digital media everything will be easy.</em></p> Yusnidar, Ismuhadi, Muhammad Multazam, Ayu Anora Copyright (c) 2024 Yusnidar, Ismuhadi, Muhammad Multazam, Ayu Anora Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MAPPING POTENTIAL BASED ON CHARACTERISTICS OF TOURISM OBJECTS IN TUAMESE VILLAGE <p>Tuamese Village, Biboki Anleu District, North Central Timor Regency is a tourist village, as stated in the Decree of the Regent of North Central Timor Number 405/KEP/HK/V/TTU/2020 concerning Tourist Villages..Based on the 2022 research report of the author team to the University of Timor, Tuamese Village has potential tourist attractions that have not been properly inventoried and mapped. This causes the community to have a lack of understanding of the natural wealth, culture, and activities as tourism potential; hinders the village government in formulating development policies and promotional content for tourism potential in a holistic and integrated manner; and reduces public interest in visiting or investing in Tuamese Village. Therefore, the team conducted an inventory and mapping of potential tourist attractions in order to support its existence as a tourist village. The team conducted a complete participatory exploration and mapping using the ArcGis 10 application. The direct output of community service is an inventory document and map of potential tourist attractions in Tuamese Village. The inventory and map of potential tourist attractions contain Cultural Tourism, Recuperational Tourism, Commercial Tourism, Sport Tourism, Social Tourism, Religious Tourism, and Marine Tourism. In addition, the potential for tourism objects in Tuamese Village is carried out because of the unique natural construction attractions in a particular place, such as hills, plantations, oceans, beaches, and others. The main factor inhibiting community participation in the management of the Bukit Tuamese tourist attraction is the absence of formal legal regulations at the village level, such as Village Regulations, which guarantee inclusive community participation.</p> Mariano Sengkoen, Melkianus Suni, Ignasius Usboko Copyright (c) 2025 Mariano Sengkoen, Melkianus Suni, Ignasius Usboko Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 BUILDING SCIENCE AND CHARACTER EDUCATION AS A FORM OF QUALITY EDUCATION AT STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 067099 IN MEDAN <p><em>Literacy and numeracy are skills that everyone must have to survive and contribute to the civilization of the nation. In addition, education must also be owned by everyone to develop life according to the civilization of the times. Literacy, numeracy and education are important issues globally and in Indonesia because it is predicted that there are still many people out of school, lacking basic literacy and numeracy skills, and there are still few countries that reach the target number of citizens who successfully complete the high school education level by 2030. This is also confirmed by Indonesia's literacy and numeracy PISA score in 2022 which decreased when compared to Indonesia's literacy and numeracy PISA score in 2018 and the finding that many students of SDN 067099 are still not fluent in reading and arithmetic. Therefore, the writing group took the initiative to carry out community service activities in the form of a teaching campus. There are 2 methods applied in this activity, namely the Game Method and the Leathuring Method. The service activities were carried out in 4 stages, namely preparation for activities, first day teaching activities, second day teaching activities, and closing. On the first day we taught grade 1 and 2 elementary school students. While on the second day, we taught students in grades 3 and 4. After the service activity, students' literacy, numeracy, and moral skills have improved and are getting better. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Roma Sri Rezeki Sitorus , Claudia Canniagi Br. Simanihuruk , Agustina Sinambela , Dya Komala Br. Munthe , Jesika , Juan Alexander Sitepu, Muhammad Ridwan , Nur Kholisy Geovani Copyright (c) 2024 Roma Sri Rezeki Sitorus , Claudia Canniagi Br. Simanihuruk , Agustina Sinambela , Dya Komala Br. Munthe , Jesika , Juan Alexander Sitepu, Muhammad Ridwan , Nur Kholisy Geovani Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT THROUGH INCREASING THE VALUE OF EMPTY PALM OIL BUNCHES INTO BIOCHAR FOR IMPROVING THE SOIL QUALITY OF PALM OIL PLANTATIONS IN ADOLINA ESTATE <p><em>This community service activity is carried out with the aim of helping partners increase the added value and achieve zero waste from the empty fruit bunch waste produced by the Adolina PTPN IV palm oil mill. The increase in added value of empty fruit bunch waste from palm oil is achieved by processing it into biochar, as it has been proven to be one of the soil amendment technologies for sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices. This community service activity was carried out by initially producing biochar by a team of service providers consisting of lecturers and ITSI students, using raw materials obtained from the Adolina PTPN IV factory. After the biochar product was completed, the research results were disseminated as a practical product by directly applying it in the Adolina palm oil plantation area. This community service activity was carried out using methods of socialization, education, and evaluation for partners about biochar and its application in the Adolina plantation. The partners feel very happy and grateful for this activity as they gained new information and added practical skills about alternative uses of biochar as an organic fertilizer that can enhance soil fertility and improve the quality of the plants (oil palm fruits) produced. Partners also provided input to continue working together in enhancing the capacity of human resources and institutions through research and community service collaborations, so that it can be more optimal and extensive in deepening the application of appropriate technology in plantation lands, potentially leading to commercialization products that can benefit both parties.. </em></p> Rina Maharany, Sri Murti Tarigan, Tifany Zia Aznur , Purjianto, Dina Arfianti Saragih, Delyana Rahmawany Pulungan, Ritna Wahyuni, Dion Nantoyo, Khairul Alfazar, Dinni Saqina, Aldo Dana Asneri Ahmad Lubis, Ananda Afriandi, Mutiara Cahyani Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Maharany, Sri Murti Tarigan, Tifany Zia Aznur , Purjianto, Dina Arfianti Saragih, Delyana Rahmawany Pulungan, Ritna Wahyuni, Dion Nantoyo, Khairul Alfazar, Dinni Saqina, Aldo Dana Asneri Ahmad Lubis, Ananda Afriandi, Mutiara Cahyani Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TRAINING FOR UMKM ACTORS IN BALESARI VILLAGE, WINDUSARI DISTRICT, MAGELANG REGENCY <p><em>The community service program carried out in Balesari Village, Windusari District, Magelang Regency aims to identify the obstacles or problems experienced by MSME actors so that the problems can be identified which can then be used as coaching material in each MSME so that MSMEs can develop and encourage the economy of the surrounding community. The methods used are counseling, tutorials and discussions. Human Resources (HR) in an organization is a very important element. MSMEs really need superior HR in knowledge and skills about business management to manage their businesses for the progress of their businesses. Therefore, MSME managers are expected to have the skills to manage their business operations, as well as manage facilities and infrastructure in their businesses. When MSME managers have good business management knowledge, it will make it easier for their businesses to continue to develop and run dynamically and flexibly in facing all the demands of changing times. Therefore, the activities carried out in this community service are by assisting MSME actors, especially related partners, to develop their businesses so that they are able to compete with other MSMEs by holding training, delivering materials, and mentoring on business management which includes marketing management , innovation and product development and technology and information management. Partners are assisted by the community service team to carry out business management and use technology properly to expand the market and increase product appeal to win market competition.practices.</em></p> Hanung Eka Atmaja, Satrio Tegar Sadewo, Yesica Apriliana Paska, Miftachul Mujib, Sofyan Ashari Nur, Ipuk Widayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Hanung Eka Atmaja, Satrio Tegar Sadewo, Yesica Apriliana Paska, Miftachul Mujib, Sofyan Ashari Nur, Ipuk Widayanti Thu, 17 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TRAINING ON PREPARING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCORDING TO EMKM STANDARDS FOR CULINARY MSMEs IN LHOKSEUMAWE <p><em>This community service program is implemented for culinary MSME actors in Lhokseumawe City. The issues faced by the partners, specifically culinary MSMEs, include: </em><em>Challenges in the partners' ability to prepare financial reports (Cash Flow) in accordance with SAK EMKM; A lack of knowledge in preparing financial statements according to standards. The purpose of this activity is to provide solutions to the problems faced by the partners. To achieve this goal, the PKM team conducts a financial reporting (Cash Flow) assistance program and provides guidance on preparing financial reports following EMKM standards. The planned output targets to be achieved by the PKM team include mandatory outputs such as a community service report, publication of articles in OJS-based community service journals or national seminar proceedings, publication of activities in print or online media, and partnership cooperation documents. Additionally, the program aims for supplementary outputs, including copyright (HKI) for the community service report.</em></p> Nurhasanah, Husaini, Rina Humaira, Malika Aliya Kasta Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhasanah, Husaini, Rina Humaira, Malika Aliya Kasta Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIGITALIZATION TRAINING AND GUIDANCE OF HALAL PRODUCT CERTIFICATION BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM AS AN EFFORT IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF UMKM ANCHOR CHIPS IN DISTRICT SOUTH SIBOLGA <p>implementation of this PKM is designed with offline meetings and direct field visits in order to reach a wider audience. Moreover, the theme raised is related to Digital Halal Certification and Halal Labels for MSME products. The selection of the South Sibolga sub-district area, in addition to being based on an agreement to provide assistance with the Sibolga City Ministry of Religion, is also based on the still less than optimal registration of digital halal certification and halal labels on MSME products in order to increase competitiveness outside the region and abroad, especially still not being able to compete with other regional products. The Community Service Program in partnership with the Ministry of Manpower, Trade Office, South Sibolga Traffic, is held offline and directly in the field. More specifically to independent small and medium business actors under the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Academics to the Creative Digital Halal Certification Registration Training Based on Local Wisdom to Increase the Competitiveness of MSME Products, Ministry of Religion of Sibolga City and the Perdanaganan Service, Sibolga City in 2023-2024. The implementation is carried out by delivering materials, discussions, to simulations of registration of Digital Halal Certificates packaged from local Sibolga culture adjusted to the products of each MSME. In its implementation, we found it difficult to simulate directly and see MSME products as participants directly. The implementation that we made in the Community Service program for independent small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) was fairly successful because it received a huge response from the MSME community.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dewi Sundari, Rodi Syafrizal, Liza Widya Hasyim, Bestari Endayana, Muallif Masyhuri, Irwansyah Putra, Rangga Salam Copyright (c) 2025 Dewi Sundari, Rodi Syafrizal, Liza Widya Hasyim, Bestari Endayana, Muallif Masyhuri, Irwansyah Putra, Rangga Salam Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERMATA POMAA MODEL TO IMPROVE APPETITE AND REDUCE STUNTING IN TODDLERS TOWARDS A STUNTING-FREE ACEH <p><em>Stunting is a health problem that occurs due to chronic malnutrition in toddlers so that the child's weight and height do not match their age. Efforts to overcome stunting can be done by developing the "Permata Pomaa" stunting alleviation model. This community service aims to develop the "Permata Pomaa" stunting handling model to increase appetite and stunting alleviation in toddlers towards a Stunting-Free Aceh in Jambo Mesjid and Blang Teue Villages, Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe City. The activity method is carried out using counseling and training methods on introducing how to provide local-based additional food,child's diet management, toddler food menu and how to cook and serve it, Introduction to baby massage and Tuina massage for stunted toddlers' appetite, community assistance on baby massage and Tuina massage and UMKM assistance. The results of community service showthere is an increase in the average knowledge of participants before and after counseling, the average value of participant knowledge before counseling was 6.97, and after counseling the average knowledge became 11.77. In addition, there is an increase in the weight and height of toddlers, where the average value of toddler weight before the Permata Pomaa community service activity was 10.605 and after the Permata Pomaa community service activity was 10.807, while the average height of toddlers before the activity was 85.964 and after the Permata Pomaa model community service activity was 86.695. There is a difference in the average value between weight before and after the community service activity of 202 grams, while the height difference in mean value is 0.731 cm.</em></p> Eka Sutrisna, Husna Maulida, Yunita Sari, Yusnidar Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Sutrisna, Husna Maulida, Yunita Sari, Yusnidar Sat, 02 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PRESERVING ACEH CULTURE THROUGH RANUP MAKING TRAINING: A LOCAL WISDOM-BASED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM FOR TEENAGE GIRLS <p><em>The tradition of ranup seulaseh, or ornamental betel, is one of Aceh's cultural heritage that has a deep philosophical meaning as a symbol of honor, togetherness, and love. However, modernization has led to a cultural shift that threatens its sustainability, especially in urban areas. This article discusses community service activities through training to weave ranup seulaseh in Gampong Blang Pulo, Lhokseumawe, which aims to preserve Acehnese culture while empowering women as the main actors of this tradition. The activity method includes interactive discussions, demonstrations, and practices for making ranup seulaseh. The results showed increased participants' understanding of Acehnese cultural values and the skill of assembling ranup seulaseh as a business opportunity. The participants' enthusiasm showed the potential for preserving this tradition to continue to be inherited. This training supports cultural preservation and contributes to women's economic empowerment. Recommendations were given for implementing further training and developing marketing strategies for local cultural products.</em></p> Fanny Nailufar, Noviami Trisniarti, Cut Putri Mellita Sari, Khairisma, Fadhilah, Rani Puspita Ningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Fanny Nailufar, Noviami Trisniarti, Cut Putri Mellita Sari, Khairisma, Fadhilah, Rani Puspita Ningrum Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 REALIZING THE BLESSING ACCOUNTING AND CREATE UNIQUE PRODUCTS IN EFFORTS TO IMPLEMENT ISLAMIC ECONOMICS IN LUENG PUTU, PIDIE JAYA, ACEH <p><em>Blessing Accounting is a financial report and business activity transactions that are in accordance with Islamic law, the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Efforts to maintain the stability and development of a business are by maintaining and managing a good and correct financial system, not only paying attention to large profits but also the important value of blessings measured in each transaction. This service aims to realize the implementation of blessing accounting while creating unique products, this is to implement Islamic economic values ​​in the Pidie Jaya area, Aceh. Participants in this activity were 21 students at the Lueng Putu Pidie Jaya Islamic boarding school. The method of activity used was the lecture or counseling method, education and training, case studies and field surveys, practice of finding unique products and application of blessing accounting. The results of this community service show that around 90% of students are able to understand and apply the concept of Islamic economic values ​​in the application of blessing accounting in business transactions, this is important because after completing their education, the students will spread and preach to convey important information about the truth in transacting according to sharia so that blessings in their business are born and more goodness increases in their business.</em></p> Harley Agustian, Fajriah, Usman Boini, Fazil, Husni Rahmah, Zulaiva Ulya, Muhammad Syukur Copyright (c) 2024 Harley Agustian, Fajriah, Usman Boini, Fazil, Husni Rahmah, Zulaiva Ulya, Muhammad Syukur Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SOCIALIZATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN IN ORPHANAGES <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Mental health is an important aspect of a child’s development, especially for those living in foster care. These children often face significant emotional challenges due to the loss of a parent, trauma, or difficult life experiences. Socialization about the importance of mental health aims to raise awareness and provide the necessary support for children in foster care. This article discusses the importance of mental health, socialization strategies, and the roles of various parties in supporting the mental health of children in foster care, supported by current references.</span></p> Likdanawati, Irada Sinta, Rico Nur Ilham, Muammar Khaddafi, Muttaqien, Reza Juanda Copyright (c) 2024 Likdanawati, Irada Sinta, Rico Nur Ilham, Muammar Khaddafi, Muttaqien, Reza Juanda Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 TRAINING ON UTILIZATION AND PRODUCTION OF BANANA STEM CHIPS AS AN UMKM IDEA <p><em>Gampong Pase Sentausa, Simpang Keuramat District, North Aceh Regency is a village with approximately 500 people, with most of them working as farmers. Gampong Pase Sentausa also has various potential natural resources that are quite potential to be developed such as banana plants. Banana plants are a potential garden crop of the Gampong Pase Sentausa community, but until now the Gampong Pase Sentausa community knows bananas which are used as snacks or sold in bunches while the leaves are used for wrapping containers for making cakes and so on, while the use of banana stems has so far only been used as animal feed. In fact, if seen from its benefits, banana stems have many benefits for human health, namely they can treat and cure various diseases including: as a detoxification of the digestive system, losing weight, controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, curing stomach acid, curing stomach acid, stabilizing blood sugar, and there are still many benefits of banana stems for health. On the other hand, the people of Gampong Pase Sentausa underestimate banana stems and have no economic value at all, so through the 2022 KKN-LPPM, Malikussaleh University students took the initiative to provide innovation training in the use and manufacture of Banana Stems into Banana Stem Chips (Gedebog Chips) so that banana stem stalks which so far have no economic value can be increased through innovation in making and processing Banana Stem stalks into Gedebog Chips as a snack food for children and adults. The innovation in making banana gedebog chips will provide added economic value for the Pase Sentausa Village Community. The materials and tools used to make banana gedebog chips are easy to obtain and the manufacturing process is very easy and can be done individually or in community groups, which can be used as one of the entrepreneurial activities for the people of Gampong Pase Sentausa, Simpang Keuramat District, North Aceh Regency.</em></p> T.Edyansyah, Rico Nur Ilham, Muhammad Multazam, Amru Usman, Muttaqien, Tarmizi Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 T.Edyansyah, Rico Nur Ilham, Muhammad Multazam, Amru Usman, Muttaqien, Tarmizi Abbas Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TECHNICAL TRAINING FOR CREATIVE ECONOMY BUSINESS ACTORS IN PROMOTING SUPERIOR PRODUCTS IN THE VILLAGE SUDIREJO I DISTRICT, MEDAN CITY <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>In promoting superior products, technical training is needed for creative economy business partners, because creative economy business actors need strategies to be able to compete, especially in the global market. One of the keys to creative economy products being accepted and developed in the wider community is by</em><a href=""><em>packaging</em></a><em>attractive products and have good safety standards. Some creative economies in Indonesia have changed their packaging designs to be more attractive and hygienic. The packaging affects the sales value which continues to increase, one of which is the creative economy that changes their packaging design. So, the seller's turnover, on average, can increase by 74 percent in 3 months. This is the purpose of training for creative economy business actors in promoting superior products. The results of the study showed</em><em>During training in promoting superior products, it is necessary to develop and improve the entrepreneurial spirit and explore business potential for creative economy business actors in Sudirejo I Village, Medan City District, so that in the current digitalization era by utilizing IT and mastery of electronic media for business development. Increasing the productivity of the creative economy can compete in current business developments can be done by utilizing Information Technology as a means of promotion and distribution of creative economy products through digital media so that it can provide ease of transaction relations between traders and consumers. Through this activity, it is expected to provide the ability of the creative economy to use and utilize the existence of Information Technology in marketing and business development towards a creative economy Based on Information Technology (e-business) which will have an impact on increasing sales transactions and income.</em></p> Bunga Aditi, Olga Theolina Sitorus, Sopi Pentana, Hasminidiarty Copyright (c) 2024 Bunga Aditi, Olga Theolina Sitorus, Sopi Pentana, Hasminidiarty Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) DEVELOPMENT IN BANANA FARMERS IN BLANGSENONG VILLAGE AIMED AT INCREASING PRODUCTION AND SALES RESULTS <p><em>This community service activity aims to implement human resource (HR) development for banana farmers in Blangsenong Village in order to increase production and sales results. Farmers in this village face various obstacles, both in aspects of cultivation techniques and marketing strategies, which have an impact on low productivity and income. Therefore, this program is designed to provide training to farmers in the field of agricultural management, more efficient cultivation techniques, and more effective product marketing. The methods used include direct training, group discussions, and field assistance. The results of this program are expected to be able to improve farmers' skills, optimize banana production results, and open access to wider markets, thereby having a positive impact on farmers' economic welfare. By improving the quality of human resources, farmers are expected to be more independent and competitive in facing the challenges of modern agriculture.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Muhammad Ferdiananda Chadafi, Mai Simahatie, Hilda Pratiwi, Sarah Nadia, Cut Bulan Ananda Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ferdiananda Chadafi, Mai Simahatie, Hilda Pratiwi, Sarah Nadia, Cut Bulan Ananda Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 "THE EFFECT OF INDEPENDENT ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE MUHAMMADIYAH KWALA MADU STABAT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL FOR STAKEHOLDERS" <p><em>Islamic boarding schools, known as Pondok Pesantren, are the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia. Besides their educational role, Pondok Pesantren also play a significant role in the economy due because of their large number with, 37.000 islamic boarding school in total and 4.8 million students across various regions. This substantial economic potential should be harnessed through self-sustaining economic activities, such as those carried out by Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Kwala Madu Stabat. This particular pesantren has engaged in independent economic activities by establishing a corporation that independently produces bottled mineral water. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of these self-sustaining economic activities at Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Kwala Madu Stabat on its stakeholders. The method employed involved economic empowerment of the pesantren through workshops with a knowledge and insight transfer approach. The results of the study indicate that the self-sustaining economic activities at Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Kwala Madu Stabat have had a significant impact on its stakeholders. Evidence of this impact includes increased economic inclusion and economic circulation in the surrounding environment of Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Kwala Madu Stabat.</em></p> Siti Nurhalizah Lubis, Nurlaila, Hendra Harmain, Murdifin Azhar, M.Lathief Nasution, Sharifah Norhaliza, Muammar Khadafi Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nurhalizah Lubis, Nurlaila, Hendra Harmain, Murdifin Azhar, M.Lathief Nasution, Sharifah Norhaliza, Muammar Khadafi Thu, 02 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 DIGITAL FINANCIAL LITERACY TRAINING FOR YOUTH OF NORTHWEST HAGU VILLAGE USING CAPITAL MARKET INVESTMENT AND STOCK SAVINGS METHODS <p><em>Digital financial literacy training for the youth of Gampong Hagu Barat Laut aims to improve their understanding of capital market investment and stock saving strategies. This activity is designed to introduce the basic concepts of digital finance, especially in relation to capital market investment, which is often considered a tool for achieving long-term financial stability. With the capital market investment and stock saving methods, training participants are invited to understand the risks and benefits associated with long-term investment and portfolio diversification. In this training, emphasis is placed on the importance of stock saving discipline, where young people are expected to be able to consistently set aside funds to be invested, even in small amounts, but done sustainably. This training also emphasizes the use of safe and legal digital financial platforms, so that participants can take advantage of technological advances to invest efficiently and transparently. The results of the training showed an increase in the knowledge and skills of participants in understanding how the capital market operates, as well as how to start investing in stocks safely and profitably. Young people who were previously unfamiliar with the capital market now have basic knowledge that allows them to be more actively involved in investment activities, as a step to improve their financial literacy and strengthen their personal and community economy.</em></p> Muhammad Multazam, Rico Nur Ilham, Irada Sinta, Muttaqien, Ayu Anora, Yusnidar Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Multazam, Rico Nur Ilham, Irada Sinta, Muttaqien, Ayu Anora, Yusnidar Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UTILIZATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF RUMAH GALUH IN THE PRODUCTION OF LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER (POC) FROM BAMBOO SHOOTS <p><em>This community service activity was carried out in Rumah Galuh Village, Sei Bingai sub-district, Langkat Regency. The Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) demonstration was carried out for 1 day and was attended by local residents with the aim of making people aware that liquid organic fertilizer is an alternative to chemical fertilizer. Apart from being environmentally friendly, POC can also be made by yourself by utilizing the natural wealth in their village. The problem with the Galuh house community is chemical fertilizers whose prices are unaffordable because chemical fertilizers, which can be categorized as expensive to buy, make people lazy to fertilize their plants. Bamboo shoots are one of the natural resources that can be used as POC. Bamboo shoots are a material that can be used as organic fertilizer because they contain organic materials and other ingredients that can increase plant growth. Bamboo shoots contain the hormone gibberalin, phosphorus 59mg, calcium 13mg, iron 0.5mg, potassium 20.12mg. The content of the gibberalin hormone and these nutrients will be useful in stimulating the growth of oil palm seedlings and possibly reducing the dose of NPK fertilizer used when fertilizing oil palm seedlings. PKM ITSI MEDAN students conducted socialization to the Rumah Galuh community about procedures for making POC. The benefits of POC itself can support the development of environmentally friendly agriculture, and can produce materials that are free from chemical content and become an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers.</em></p> Delyana R Pulungan , Tifany Zia Aznur , Dina Arfianti Saragih, Ritna Wahyuni, Rina Maharany, Ade Junesa, Nurhida Yani Lubis, Bifrans Andre Batubara, Dimas Napitupulu, Khairul Imam, Sayyid Murtadhah Nst1 Copyright (c) 2024 Delyana R Pulungan , Tifany Zia Aznur , Dina Arfianti Saragih, Ritna Wahyuni, Rina Maharany, Ade Junesa, Nurhida Yani Lubis, Bifrans Andre Batubara, Dimas Napitupulu, Khairul Imam, Sayyid Murtadhah Nst1 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN UTILIZING SALAK FRUIT WASTE BY ADOPTING CREATIVE ECONOMIC INDUSTRY IN SITARATOIT VILLAGE <p><em>Salak (Salacca Zalacca) is a tropical fruit horticultural commodity native to Indonesia. It has important nutritional content and benefits for the human body, one of the central areas of salak production in Indonesia is Sitaratoir Village which is located in the West Angkola sub-district of South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province. Based on data from BPS (Central Statistics Agency), salak production in the West Angkola sub-district is 319,907 quintals (kw), the high amount of salak production makes the area export to other areas in the form of fresh fruit. The weakness of this salak fruit is that it rots easily so it cannot be reused, coupled with the inability of the surrounding community to process salak fruit waste into something of economic value. Therefore, efforts are needed to recycle salak waste based on the creative economy industry through Community Service (PKM). This activity aims to increase the potential of salak waste through utilization into environmentally friendly floor cleaner products as an effort to improve the welfare of the local community. This activity is carried out in several stages, the first is to establish cooperation with local government officials, the second stage is to conduct preliminary tests on product manufacturing, socialization and finally assistance in product processing in the community. The output produced in this PKM activity is a floor cleaner product which is then published in the form of a journal or published in print media.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Delima Sari Lubis, Rini Hayati, Nur Mutiah, Risna Hairani, Replita, Aliman Syahuri Zein, Sri Meylinda Copyright (c) 2024 Delima Sari Lubis, Rini Hayati, Nur Mutiah, Risna Hairani, Replita, Aliman Syahuri Zein, Sri Meylinda Sat, 16 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT ON SUSTAINABLE RABBIT FARMING BASED ON ZERO WASTE TO INCREASE INCOME IN DESA ALUE BULOH , KECAMATAN BIREM BAYEUN KABUPATEN ACEH TIMUR <p><em>The aim of this activity is to increase partners' income and skills. The activity began with an opening ceremony, delivery of materials, technical training on housing for rabbit cultivation, training on rabbit cultivation seeds, assistance in technical rabbit marketing strategies, monitoring and evaluation of activities, and details of solutions offered by the PKM proposing team systematically with priority partner problems. The program package provided is in the form of 50 baby rabbits or 10 boxes of 5 rabbits in a cage measuring 7 x 17 m or 120 m2 , with a cage density of 5 animals/m2 , feed equipment and beverage equipment as well as automatic heating as well as vaccines and medicines. The results of a survey conducted by the service team show that the problems faced by farmer partners are: 1.) Lack of partner understanding about rabbit farming which can increase partner income and skills. 2.) Expenditures on animal feed which are quite expensive so that alternative animal feed is needed are vegetables around people's homes.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rozalina, Kiagus Muhammad Zain Basriwijaya, Thursina Mahyudin, Zulhilmi Copyright (c) 2024 Rozalina, Kiagus Muhammad Zain Basriwijaya, Thursina Mahyudin, Zulhilmi Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000