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Kamintua Nainggolan
Emerson Pascawira Sinulingga
Meilita Tryana Sembirin
In this modern era, talking about information technology is no longer a new thing. Information technology has become an integral element in everyday life and plays an important role in supporting various human activities. Many organizations compete to create applications to solve various problems faced. Every time a new problem arises, applications are often considered the main solution that can be relied on. However, this tendency can cause new problems. The applications created sometimes overlap and cause data redundancy and increase the volume of work, so that information technology created to make work easier on the other hand actually adds to the work. This study discusses how to align business strategies and information technology so that the information technology used can make work more effective and efficient. This study uses TOGAF as the main tool to create the right information technology management strategy. This study found that integrated information technology can be used as a solution to reduce redundancy.
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