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Andy Wijaya
M Dian Andhika
Mangasi Sinurat
Performance at PT. Duet Pratama Samudra with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable. The research method used is a quantitative method using the help of Smart PLS version 3.0 which is collected from the results of distributing questionnaires to employees of PT. Pratama Samudra Duet . The analysis method used in this study is to use an instrument test, namely validity and reliability tests. measurement model (outer model) namely validity test, reliability test, then structural model (inner model) includes: coefficient of determination / r-square (r2), goodness of fit model and hypothesis testing with t-statistic test and indirect effect test ( indirect effect). The results of Smart PLS 3.0 in this study are that compensation affects employee motivation, leadership affects work motivation, compensation does not affect employee performance, leadership affects employee performance, work motivation does not affect employee performance, work motivation can mediate the relationship between Compensation and Employee Performance, Work Motivation cannot mediate the relationship between Leadership and Employee Performance.
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