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This contemplate directs to ascertain : the contemplate of economical convalescence procedures from the consequence of Covid 19 during the conformableness amplitude to contemporary conventions look after the needs of as contemplate substantial and considerateness in formulating procedure manufacturing accompanying to the acceleration of the convalescence of MSMEs in the municipality of city which are pretentious by the consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic. classifications of collections in the contemplate these are influential collections and less important collections . The disposition of assembling collections is simple serendipitous sampling, videlicet the disposition euphemistic pre-owned to appropriate a exemplification from the inhabitant in much a course of action that each colleague of the inhabitant has the corresponding fighting chance to be appropriated as a sample. The collections psychoanalysis disposition euphemistic pre-owned is a qualitative psychoanalysis method, videlicet the psychoanalysis cognitive semantics that is supported on the continuance of a semantic communication between the variables continuance studied.
Nasrun, Ali. The introductory capability of the Post-Covid-19 economical convalescence in Kapuas Hulu Regency. course of action of the 2020 one-year academician Seminar of Economics and exploitation Studies.
protector principle character 27 of 2020 in reference to deed of contemporary convention conversions in the weathers of the Covid 19 Virus affliction 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.
regulation of the diplomatic negotiations of wellness character HK. 07/MENKES/413/2020 in reference to Guidelines for the anticipation and Control of Coronavirus affliction 2019 (Covid 19).
throwaway of the diplomatic negotiations of commerce character 12 of 2020, in reference to the convalescence of Trading movements Conducted during the Covid 19 Virus affliction 2019 (Covid-19) and contemporary conventional Pandemic.
diplomatic negotiations of wellness principle character 9 of 2020 in reference to Guidelines for Large-Scale collective qualifications (PSBB) in the circumstance of Accelerating manipulation of corona discharge Virus affliction 2019 (COVID-19).
administration principle of the commonwealth of Indonesia character 23 of 2020 in reference to deed of the governmental economical convalescence announcement in progression to facilitate sovereign state pecuniary procedure for manipulation the DT Covid 19 Virus Pandemic. SEASE 2019 (Covid-19) and/or application intimidations That put at risk the governmental conservation and/or pecuniary transaction changelessness and let go free the governmental Economy.
administration principle (PP) character 43 of 2020 in reference to rectifications to administration principle character 23 of 2020 in reference to deed of the governmental economical convalescence announcement in progression to facilitate sovereign state pecuniary procedures for manipulation the Covid 19 Virus affliction 2019 (Covid-19) and/or application life-threatening intimidations governmental conservation and/or pecuniary transaction changelessness and redemptional the governmental Economy.
principle of the diplomatic negotiations of commerce of the commonwealth of Indonesia character 34 of 2020 in reference to the secondment rectification to principle of the diplomatic negotiations of commerce character 23 of 2020 in reference to the transitority disallowance of Exports of Antiseptics, false face unfinished Materials, individual antifouling Equipment, and Masks.
administration principle in position of collection first of 2020 in reference to sovereign state pecuniary procedure and pecuniary transaction changelessness for manipulation the corona discharge Virus affliction 2019 (Covid-19) widespread and/or in application intimidations That put at risk the governmental conservation and/or pecuniary transaction Stability.
Hadiwardoyo, W. governmental economical losings outstanding to the Covid -19 Pandemic. fish wrapper of patronage & Entrepreneurship. publication 2 character 2 April 2020.
Ikhsan, Modjo, M. correspondence the course of action to economical invigorating Post-Pandemic. The asian fish wrapper of exploitation Planning. publication IV No. 2 June 2020.
statesmanlike instructions order character 4 of 2020 in reference to Refocusing of Activities, Budget Relocation, and Procurement of artifacts and utilities in the circumstance of Accelerating manipulation of Covid 19 Virus affliction 2019 (Covid-19).
Suliswati, D. procedures of the Lowayu community Government, Dukun Subdistrict, Gresik rule in economical recall subsequently the Covid-19 Pandemic. course of action of evaluation & agreement Service. publication 7 character 2, venerable 2020.
throwaway of the imagination of BNPB Number: SE-1/BNPB/03/2020 in reference to the organization of the undertaking forcefulness for the Acceleration of manipulation corona discharge Virus affliction 2019 (Covid 19) at regional and Regency/City Levels.
throwaway of the diplomatic negotiations of Manpower Number: 04/III/2020 in reference to security of Workers/Labourers and patronage persistence in the circumstance of anticipation and Control of Covid-19.
sacred calling of conservation exert pressure announcement Number: 3/03/2020 in reference to administration make public secondment economical stimulant to application the consequence of Covid-19
diplomatic negotiations of money management principle character 23/PMK. 03/2020 in reference to encouragements for Taxpayers pretentious by the corona discharge Virus Outbreak.
OJK principle Number: 03/2020 in reference to governmental economical stimulant as a Countercyclical procedure for the consequence of the spread out diffuse of Covid-19.
throwaway of the imagination of BNPB Number: SE-1/BNPB/03/2020 in reference to the organization of the undertaking forcefulness for the Acceleration of manipulation corona discharge Virus affliction 2019 (Covid 19) at regional and Regency/City Levels.
KPK throwaway correspondence character 8 of 2020 in reference to the application of the Budget for the deed of the Procurement of Goods/Services in the circumstance of Accelerating the manipulation of corona discharge Virus affliction 2019 (Covid 19) accompanying to the anticipation of putrefaction Crimes.
throwaway of the diplomatic negotiations of Manpower Number: 04/III/2020 in reference to security of Workers/Labourers and patronage persistence in the circumstance of anticipation and Control of Covid-19.
Regional infrastructure agency 2021, – Ekonomi- Masyarakat14-kelurahan-disasar-program-pkt-kemenpupr.html MARCH 2021
West Java BI Recommends 5 Things to the Mayor of Sukabumi regarding Economic Recovery ", Click to read: -related-recovery-economy. -assistance-tenant-business-digital-kreatif.html