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Rico Nur Ilham
Afifah Nurjannah
Naffal Rifki
This study aims to conduct a comprehensive financial statement analysis of PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk and its subsidiaries, focusing on key financial ratios to evaluate the company's performance. The analysis includes liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios, and market ratios, providing insight into the company's financial health. The method used for this analysis is quantitative descriptive analysis using financial statement data. The research data and information were obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The findings show that PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk maintains a strong liquidity position, with a Current Ratio of 2.40 and a Quick Ratio of 2.39, indicating adequate capacity to meet short-term obligations. The solvency analysis reveals a Debt to Equity Ratio of 0.83, indicating a balanced capital structure with a manageable debt level. Profitability methods, including Earnings Per Share (EPS) of 0.0067 and Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio of 2.68, reflect the company's ability to generate profits, although a low P/E Ratio may indicate undervaluation in the market. In addition, the high Dividend Yield of 12.78% highlights the company's commitment to rewarding shareholders, despite potential risks related to the sustainability of the dividend. Overall, this analysis concludes that PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk has shown solid financial performance, making it an attractive choice for investors seeking stable returns.
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