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Gampang Wicaksono
The education sector in Indonesia is undergoing a profound transformation as digital technology reshapes traditional practices to meet the demands of an increasingly connected society. This study focuses on Yayasan Al-Azhar Medan, a pioneer in Islamic private education in Medan, Indonesia, which faces challenges in optimizing its digital marketing strategies to enhance online engagement and enrollment rates. Despite a strong presence on social media platforms, the foundation's website fails to meet user expectations in terms of functionality, interactivity, and user experience. Consequently, the contribution of online registration to total enrollment remains low, highlighting a missed opportunity to leverage digital platforms effectively. This research examines the impact of digital marketing elements, including Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content Marketing (CM), Display Marketing (DM), and Email Marketing (EM), on consumer purchase intention, using the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) as a theoretical framework. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining qualitative insights from interviews with parents and quantitative analysis from a survey of 200 respondents. The study also incorporates marketing tools analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of both internal and external factors influencing digital marketing effectiveness. Findings reveal that while Yayasan Al-Azhar Medan outperforms competitors in website traffic, engagement metrics such as average visit duration and bounce rate indicate low user interaction. The current website design does not adequately address the needs of prospective students and parents, who prioritize seamless navigation, informative content, and interactive features. Statistical analysis confirms that SEM, SMM, CM, DM, and EM significantly influence purchase intention, with Display Marketing showing the highest impact. The proposed digital marketing strategy emphasizes enhancing website functionality, integrating cost simulation tools, and leveraging personalized email campaigns to foster deeper user engagement. The study contributes to the field of digital marketing in education by demonstrating how targeted strategies can bridge the gap between digital presence and user conversion. Recommendations include a phased implementation plan for website redevelopment and integrated marketing campaigns to position Yayasan Al-Azhar Medan as a leader in Islamic education in the digital age. These strategies aim to increase online registration rates, strengthen brand awareness, and provide a user-centric digital experience aligned with the institution's vision and values.
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