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Nelvika Darlia
Sri Utami Ady
Nur Sayidah
This study aims to examine the effect of employee training and technology investment on employee performance productivity, with income inequality as a moderating variable, in the Indonesian manufacturing sector. The research method used is a quantitative approach with secondary data analysis from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2019–2023. The research sample includes medium and large-scale manufacturing companies, selected through stratified random sampling techniques based on provinces for proportional representation. Data were analyzed using moderated regression. The results of the study indicate that employee training has no significant effect on employee performance productivity. Meanwhile, technology investment has a negative effect if not accompanied by proper management. Income inequality is shown to moderate the relationship between independent and dependent variables in a complex manner, but income inequality weakens the positive effect of employee training but strengthens the relationship between technology investment and productivity. The implication of this study is the importance of synergy between employee training, adoption of technology investment, and management of income inequality distribution to optimally increase employee performance productivity.
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