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Alriyanti Ambyah Saputri
Atik Aprianigsih
Indonesia with a population of 2022 according to Indonesia Statistics Central Bureau (BPS) is 275 million people, while the total economically active in 2022 is 143.7 million people or 52% of the population. As of December 2023, total retail domestic investors in Indonesia were 12.16 million investors (8.5% of the economically active population or 4.42% of Indonesia's total population in 2022). PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi as a subsidiary of Bank Mandiri, as of December 2023, manage AUM IDR 43.3 trillion or 5.3% market share of the industry. Mandiri Investasi offers its products through 2 channels, direct channel where investors buy products directly to Mandiri Investasi, and indirect channel where investor buy through selling agents. Mandiri Investasi faces challenges in increasing AUM from direct channels. There was regulation from the government-affected institutional investors that impacted the asset management industry. This study examines the internal and external factors of Mandiri Investasi to develop a marketing strategy to increase the AUM of Mandiri Investasi for direct channels. The author will use SWOT analysis to have alternative strategies to proposed and to implemented by Mandiri Investasi to achieve its goal of increasing AUM
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