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Arni Karina
Muhammad Nur
Kumba Digdowiseiso
Azwadi Ali
The intricacy of governing and the substantial financial damages resulting from corrupt practices within the Indonesian public sector. The objective of this research is to examine the identification and mitigation of corruption in the public sector using the Fraud triangle methodology. The employed approach is Systematic Literature Review (SLR), enabling a thorough examination of the existing research pertaining to this subject matter. The findings of the SLR indicate that a comprehensive comprehension of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization, as outlined in the Fraud triangle, is essential for the identification and mitigation of corruption. The detection process entails identifying factors that increase the likelihood of corruption, while prevention involves implementing structural enhancements, reinforcing internal and external controls, and fostering an organizational culture that prioritizes ethics and integrity. The discussion emphasizes the crucial role of both society and the private sector in establishing a conducive environment that discourages corruption. Ultimately, utilizing the Fraud triangle as a framework to identify and deter corruption in the public sector can serve as the foundation for transparent governance and honesty, leading to favorable outcomes for long-term progress.
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