-Dr. Robert Brian Smith(International Development Assistance Consultant, Department of AEC Consultants Pty Ltd, AEC Consultants Pty Ltd, Macquarie Centre, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia) (Australia)
Scopus ID: 35474292300
-Prof. (Dr.) Hamid Saremi (Vice Chancellor of Islamic Azad University of Iran, Quchan Branch, Quchan-Iran) (Iran) Scopus ID: 56436131100
-Dr. Moinuddin Sarker (Vice President of Research & Development, Head of Science Team, Natural State Research, Inc., 37 Brown House Road (2nd Floor) Stamford, USA) (United States of America)
Scopus ID: 24172526500
-Dr. Xiaoguang Yue (Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming (Yunnan), China) (China) Scopus ID: 57201726205
-Jumadil Saputra, Ph.D (University Malaysia Terengganu) (Malaysia) Scopus ID: 57195569546
-Prof. Dr. Isfenti Sadalia, SE., ME (Universitas Sumatera Utara) (Indonesia) Scopus ID: 57192412199
-Prof. Erlina, SE, M.Si, Ph.D, Ak, CA (Universitas Sumatera Utara) (Indonesia) Scopus ID: 56880419500
-Prof. Dr. Iskandar Muda, SE, M.Si, Ak (Universitas Sumatera Utara) (Indonesia) Scopus ID: 6508070248
-Dr. I Made Darsana (Institute of International Business and Tourism, Indonesia) (Indonesia)