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Yudha Andriansyah Putra
Khairunnisa Rangkuti
Agung Bimantara
especially Melati II Village, Perbaungan District and its surroundings to increase the community's economic input with a price of IDR 2,000 per head to collectors. So far, not many people know about centipedes and not many people market them. Therefore, Rizky's business is one of the largest centipede suppliers in North Sumatra, in the form of CV Wurizky. This research method uses the case study method, namely research conducted by looking directly into the field. The supply chain flow that occurs in the centipede business consists of 3 streams, namely, product flow, financial flow, and information flow carried out by the dried centipede business actors namely farmers (centipede seekers), CV Wurizky, wholesalers, and consumers. The marketing efficiency of the dry centipede supply chain can be as high as 30.25%, it is said to be efficient if the yield percentage is 0 - 33%. So the supply chain efficiency of dried centipedes at CV Wurizky is efficient to do.
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