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Ine Ismayanti Purba
The current research study utilizes a type of correlation research, meaning that it is related or interrelated. That is, there is a reciprocal relationship between one variable and another variable. The results of this study are based on the results of calculations with the help of IBM SPSS 22 for windows software, it can be seen that of the 12 statements tested it can be seen that all instruments are valid, becausethe results of rcount > rtable. Meanwhile, based on Cronbach's alpha value of 0.972, it can be obtained that the questionnaire is declared reliable. Based on data analysis it is known that the relationship obtained through the product moment correlation test between active learning strategies of the Every One Is Teacher Here (ETH) type and learning outcomes in Muhammadiyah Private Middle Schools At Taqwa Tebing Tinggi of 0.630. These results are interpreted roughly or simply by matching the calculation results with the correlation index number "r" product moment. It turns out that the magnitude of rxy (0.630) which is 0.39 – 0.70 means that there is a positive correlation between variables X and variable Y, there is an adequate or moderate correlation. If the results are interpreted roughly or simply by matching the calculation results with the correlation index number "r" product moment. It turns out that the magnitude of rxy (0.630) which ranges from 0.70 to 0.90 means that there is a positive correlation between variables X and Y that has a strong or high correlation. From the results of the calculation of the Determinant Coefficient, it can be seen that the value between the active learning strategy of the Every One Is Teacher Here (ETH) type on learning outcomes at Muhammadiyah At Taqwa Tebing Tinggi Private Middle School is 39.69%.
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