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Feby Milanie
Ruri Prihatini Lubis
Edwart Haloho
Ahmad Fuad
Rozak Indra Praja
M. Yazid Alwi N
Simalungun Regency in North Sumatra is one that is currently actively exploiting its tourism potential. One of the districts that surrounds the shores of Lake Toba is Simalungun District. Simalungun's goal is to increase the appearance and events of arts, culture and tourism; increasing community involvement in tourism development; promote tourism more broadly; and build more tourist attractions. SWOT analysis is an analysis that compares internal factors, namely Strengths and Weaknesses, with external factors, namely Opportunities and Threats. Strength Factors: The Tigaras Beach tourist attraction has strengths, namely having the characteristic of prawn cypress, having a large tourist attraction area, and affordable entrance ticket prices. Weaknesses: The Tigaras Beach tourist attraction has weaknesses including: easy accessibility but takes a long time, pollution from rubbish and shrimp pond waste, no provision of home stays, lack of cleanliness in bathroom facilities. Opportunities: The Tigaras Beach tourist attraction has opportunities, namely: The existence of this tourist attraction provides new employment opportunities for the local community, it can be used as a research site, and is included in the government's list of development tourist attractions. Threats: Tigaras Beach has threats, namely: a decrease in the number of tourists due to pollution from B3 waste from floating net cages around tourist attractions, resulting in the water at Tigaras Beach being polluted and having an unpleasant odor.
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