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Oktaviani Adhi Suciptaningsih
Siti Mas’ulah
The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of collaborative awareness between teachers and parents together to increase students' interest in learning at the elementary school level. Qualitative methods with a descriptive approach are the approaches used in this study, where data can be obtained through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The subjects of the study included teachers, parents, and students at one of the elementary schools in Tana Tidung Regency, North Kalimantan. The study shows that good collaboration between teachers and parents has a significant impact on increasing students' learning motivation, both through intensive communication, involvement in school activities, and support for learning at home. The main factor in the success of this collaboration is a shared awareness of the importance of synergy in building a conducive learning environment. The conclusion of this study emphasizes that collaboration between teachers and parents is a key element in increasing students' interest and learning outcomes. These findings contribute to designing collaboration-based education strategies to improve the quality of learning.
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