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Nisa Khoerunisa
Faisal Fadilla Noorikhsan
Rendi Wandani
Halwa Siti Alawiah
After escaping the pandemic, Indonesia faces a complex problem, namely the spike in human trafficking. Although not a new case, the crime of human trafficking is increasingly widespread with a new modus operandi. Joko Widodo as head of state faces challenges amidst the sluggish economy accompanied by the massive actions of human traffickers in carrying out their transnational crimes. The new mode adds to the spike in cases throughout 2023. Those who are vulnerable to becoming victims are migrant workers and ABK. Both the pandemic and human trafficking are threats to national security. The relationship between the two has given rise to a number of new cases that not only threaten individual security, but also spread to become serious threats to community and political security. In this study, the author wants to analyze the increasingly widespread phenomenon of human trafficking accompanied by the steps and efforts that have been taken by the government. This study uses qualitative as a way to approach the problem. The results of the study show various efforts that can be made by the Joko Widodo government to reduce the number of trafficking, such as collaborative cooperation resulting from the restructuring of the task force that has been formed, improving regulations to prevent dualism, strict law enforcement, economic empowerment, and optimizing multilateral cooperation by taking advantage of the opportunity as chairman of ASEAN in 2023.
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