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Kholijah Harahap
Rosmidah Hasibuan
Risma Delima Harahap
This study aims to evaluate the character development of eighth-grade students at Bhayangkari 3 Rantauprapat Private Middle School, specifically within science lessons. Character education is essential for fostering positive traits among students, both within the school and its surrounding environment. Effective implementation of character education requires teachers to embody and impart values that enhance students' moral and social competencies. The primary objective of this research is to assess the extent of character education implementation and provide a comprehensive analysis of students' levels of responsibility, discipline, honesty, and cooperation. Utilizing a quantitative methodology, the study sampled 35 eighth-grade students from Bhayangkari 3 Rantauprapat Private Middle School. Data were collected through questionnaires and observational methods, focusing on indicators such as responsibility, discipline, honesty, and cooperation. The findings indicate that the overall implementation of character education is effective, with students achieving an average score of 93%. Specifically, the religious indicator scored very good, nationalism 65.9%, independence 85%, integrity 86.1%, and mutual cooperation 87.8%. These results demonstrate that the character education program at Bhayangkari 3 Rantauprapat Private Middle School successfully cultivates essential character traits among students. Despite a slight variation in the nationalism indicator, the overall data suggest that the character abilities of the eighth-grade students are well-developed and commendable. Therefore, the study concludes that the character education initiatives at Bhayangkari 3 Rantauprapat Private Middle School effectively promote positive student character, contributing to a conducive learning environment.
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Kholijah Harahap, Labuhanbatu University, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Student of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Labuhanbatu University, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Rosmidah Hasibuan, Labuhanbatu University, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Lecturer, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Labuhanbatu University, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Risma Delima Harahap, Labuhanbatu University, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Lecturer, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Labuhanbatu University, North Sumatra, Indonesia