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Berlianingsih Kusumawati
Irpan Hidayat Hasibuan
Marya Yenni
Nandan Limakrisna
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of transformational leadership style on employee job satisfaction through organizational culture on turnover intention in a garment company. Transformational leadership, known for its ability to inspire and motivate employees, is hypothesized to have a positive influence on employee job satisfaction and turnover intention. However, this influence is suspected to be strengthened or mediated by a strong and supportive organizational culture. The research methodology is descriptive quantitative using a structured questionnaire to measure perceptions of transformational leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and turnover intention with a sample size of 150 employees. The verification analysis used in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) statistics with Smart PLS 4.0 software. The results of this study are expected to show that transformational leadership can significantly increase employee job satisfaction, and this effect becomes stronger in the context of a positive organizational culture, leading to lower turnover intention. These findings will provide important contributions to management theory and business practice, emphasizing the importance of transformational leadership style and organizational culture in enhancing employee well-being and company performance.
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