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Jasman Hasibuan
Khairul Rizal
Ika Ayu Putri Septyani
Fitra Syawal Harahap
Deci Irmayani
This study aims to analyze the potential integration of local wisdom in corn cultivation practices in Sei Siarti Village to improve farmers' welfare and support environmental sustainability. The research method involved field surveys, interviews, and observations of cultivation structures and natural resource management systems. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression to evaluate the relationship between the application of local wisdom and farmers' income enhancement. The findings reveal that traditional practices, such as selecting adaptable crop varieties, eco-friendly soil management techniques, and natural pest control methods, contribute to sustainable productivity while maintaining ecosystem balance. Integrating local knowledge with modern agricultural technology is expected to enhance food security and improve the quality of life for farmers in the future. Therefore, government support and training in the application of environmentally friendly technology is highly recommended.
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