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Lana Crisantitin Sinaga
Suryani Hardjo
Yudistira Fauzy Indrawan
This study aims to examine the influence of organizational communication and locus of control on job insecurity in the workplace. A quantitative approach with a descriptive method was used, involving 104 respondents from various companies. Data were collected through questionnaires consisting of scales for organizational communication, locus of control, and job insecurity. Validity and reliability tests indicated that the instruments used were highly consistent internally and valid for measuring the variables studied. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that organizational communication and locus of control significantly affect job insecurity. Organizational communication had a coefficient of 0.178, while locus of control had a coefficient of 0.090. These results indicate that improvements in organizational communication and locus of control will reduce the level of job insecurity in the workplace. This study provides insights for company management to design effective communication strategies and consider locus of control factors in efforts to reduce job insecurity. The practical implications of these findings highlight the need for management to enhance organizational communication and strengthen employees' locus of control to create a more stable work environment that supports employees' psychological well-being. The study contributes theoretically by adding to the literature on the impact of organizational communication and locus of control on job insecurity, and offers practical guidance for companies in managing human resources in an era of globalization and rapid technological changes.
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