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Workload is an activity carried out by an employee in completing a task or obligation of a job or group of positions carried out within a certain predetermined period of time. This research was conducted at the company PT Gold Coin Indonesia, Medan City, which operates in the animal feed industry, where there is an imbalance in the ratio of overtime hours due to the allocation of employees to each department not being based on workload. In this research, an analysis of workload was carried out on staff with a relatively high ratio of overtime hours, namely in the warehouse department at 184.6 hours/person. The aim of this research is to analyze employee working time using the work sampling method and also balance the workload by analyzing the needs for the number of employees in the warehouse department using the Full Time Equivalent method. The results of this research show that effective working days during a year are 284 days and effective working time is 1689 hours for six working days per week. Through the work sampling method, it was discovered that in the warehouse department, the number of observations of productive activities was 80.29%, namely 5.89% of unproductive activities and 13.82% of personal activities with an allowance of 15%. Based on the results of measuring workload in the warehouse department using the Full Time Equivalent method, there are employees with underload and overload workloads.
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