Indrayani, SE, MM, Ph.D (Departement of Human Resource Management, University of Batam)
Scopus ID: 57205061611



Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri (Departement of Management, University of Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan)

Juhrin Pasaribu (Departement of Law Science, University of Batam)

Hafiz Ali Raza (Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Extension, Education and Rural Development, University of Agriculture Faisalabad)

Dr. Mohd. Nazri Ismail (Associate Professor, Department of System and Networking, University of Kuala [UniKL], Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.)
Scopus ID: 57217075866

Dr. Riinawati, M.Pd. (Departement of Islamic Education Management, Islamic State University of Banjarmasin, Indonesia)
Scopus ID: 57214444221

Reza Ardiansyah (Departement of Biology Education, Institute of Technology and Science Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan, Indonesia)

Vanda Kristia Gayatri (Departement of Accounting, College of Economics Pemuda, Indonesia)