International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS) Volume 1 No.2 (2021)
Deadline: *15 Nov 2021*
Publish: *28 Nov 2021*
This journal accepts articles on results of the research in fields of *Education, Cross Culture, Law, Environmental Empowerment* which are the latest issues from the results of activities or practical implementations that are problem solving, comprehensive, meaningful, latest and sustainable findings with clear goals and visionary in various activities that have innovation and creativity. So that they do not just replicate the same activities in different places but must have to measurable results and impacts for society and support the achievement of the goals set in modern human development.
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*Ease of submission and author care* — Authors are allowed to submit their work through the Open Journal System.
*Open Access* — Free to readers, with an affordable article processing fee (APC) paid by the author or their institution.
Speed — We apply In-Press to all accepted manuscripts and provide peer review to maintain the integrity of the information.
*Visibility* — With our open access policy, we are committed to promoting your work as widely as possible and providing as much visibility and exposure as possible for your articles.
*Multisection* — Authors have the option to publish articles and technical notes
*Indexing* — Articles Are Indexed Locally and Internationally