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Muhammad Aznil
This type of research is this research including the type of library research (library research),namely research whose object of study uses library data in the form of books as a source of data. Research resultsis knowneducational goals according to Az-Zarnuji put pressurestrong on morals than intellectuals. The purpose of education according to Az-Zarnuji is aimed at seeking the pleasure of Allah, obtaining happiness in the hereafter, fighting ignorance in oneself and others, developing and preserving Islamic teachings, and being grateful for Allah's blessings. The Concept of Knowledge and Its Virtue in the Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim The word science comes from the Arabic "ilm which means knowledge,is the opposite of the word jahl which means ignorance or stupidity, the requirements for studying in the Ta'lim Muta'alim book are divided into six, namely intelligence, high curiosity, patience, having costs, having instructions from a teacher and for a long time. Az-Zarnuji's education is quite relevant to be implemented in the present, namely developing teacher and student relationships that are intimate and authoritative. Broadly speaking Az-Zarnuji underlined that in improving the quality of education the aspect of morality must be considered without having to put aside the intellectual aspect.
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