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Muammar Khaddafi
Destination Study this is for now and analyze influence style leadership and cooperation team to satisfaction work employee with environment work as moderating variable. Method research used is quantitative correlation. Population is the employee who work at public health center X Batam City with total 40 people, with technique sample is the total sampling. Data in the form of primary data with a questionnaire instrument and a scale likert. Quantitative data analysis techniques with method Partial Least Square (PLS) statistics. Research results got that style leadership take effect positive and significant to variable satisfaction work, Teamwork is influential positive and not significant to variable performance. Environment work take effect positive and not significant to variable satisfaction work. Leadership style with environment work take effect close to satisfaction work, while teamwork _ with environment work take effect weak to satisfaction work. Conclusion that only there is one variable that has influence significant with Pvalue 0.004 < = 0.05 and has connection close with variable the moderator that is variable leadership to satisfaction affected work by closely by variable environment work.
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Noviyanti, Batam University
<strong>International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology And Green Energy (IRPITAGE)</strong> is a scientific journal that presents the results of scientific works sourced from Community Service in Indonesia. Contains All Forms of Novelty Innovations in both scientific science and technology, as well as issues of limited energy and the social environment in society.This journal is intended as a medium for scientific studies of research results from implementation to the community, thoughts and critical-analytic studies on various issues that can be utilized both nationally and internationally. The scientific article is in the form of a study of the implementation of Community Service that can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally. IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika as part of the spirit of disseminating knowledge resulting from community service carried out by researchers in Indonesia. The IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika provides articles that can be downloaded for free. With a schedule of publications 3 (three) times a year.