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Jesse Heber Ambuwaru
Bintan R. Saragih
Listyowati Sumanto
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N. Fauzi. (2012). Land Reform From Time to Time. Yogyakarta: Homeland Beta
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I. Nurlinda. (2018). Acquisition of Land for Agrarian Reform Objects (TORA) originating from Forest Areas: Problems and Arrangements. Veritas et Justitia, 4(2), 252-273.
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On line
Ardiansyah Fadli. (2022). Asset Management and Access Become the Main Focus of Agrarian Reform. (On-line), accessed on 3 May 2022.
-------. (2022). How far is the progress of 9 million hectares of land as the object of agrarian reform? (On-line), accessed on 5 May 2022.
Dian Erika Nugraheny. (2022). Responding to Inequality in Land Ownership, Jokowi: It's Not Me Who Divides It. (On-line), accessed on 4 May 2022.
Dwi Murdaningsih. (2022). 4 Obstacles to Agrarian Reform. (On-line), accessed on 5 May 2022.
Ganies Oktaviana. (2022). A Number of Problems Behind the Success of Agrarian Reform. (On-line), accessed on 5 May 2022.
Kristantyo Wisnubroto. (2022). Ensuring the redistribution of land for the people. (On-line), accessed on 25 April 2022.
Christian Simarmata. (2022). Continue to Promote Agrarian Reform and Eradicate the Land Mafia. (On-line), accessed on 5 May 2022.
Masya Famely Ruhulessin. (2022). 1.4 Million Hectares of Land Have Been Redistributed to the Community.(On-line), accessed on 3 May 2022.
Muhdany Yusuf Laksono. (2022). Sofyan Djalil Describes a Number of Obstacles to Implementing Agrarian Reform. (On-line), accessed on 5 May 2022.
Sudaryanto. (2021). Afternoon Chat Program on TVRI, Agrarian Reform Year-End Summary for 2021. Jakarta, December 20, 2021.
Suhaeila Bahfein. (2022). Implementing Agrarian Reform in Papua Needs Participatory Mapping of Indigenous Territories. (On-line), accessed on 4 May 2022.
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