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Aufa Fajrul Hikmah
Nur Chanifah
Hanif Nur Widhiyanti
This research aims to discover the urgency of regulating written agreements for Umrah pilgrimage departures. The chosen theme is motivated by the absence of positive law governing written agreements for Umrah pilgrimage departures. Numerous issues have arisen, including cases where Umrah travel agencies fail to fulfill their obligation of sending prospective pilgrims or provide facilities and services as promised to the prospective pilgrims. This study adopts a juridical-normative method with the statutory approach and analytical approach. Legal materials obtained by the author will be analyzed using a descriptive-analytical technique, which involves determining the content and meaning of the legal rules regarding the organization of Umrah pilgrimages and the Civil Code. Based on the results of the research using the aforementioned method, an urgent written agreement is proposed with the aim of facilitating smooth cooperation between travel agencies and Umrah pilgrims, while also reducing the risk of fraud or any detrimental actions to either party. The written agreement serves as a guide for both the travel agencies and pilgrims to act in accordance with the promises made in the agreement and the established regulations.
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