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Tinyiku David Ngoveni
JT Mofokeng
, D Khosa
Various crimes occur in South African secondary schools, with inefficient strategies to effectively respond to it. As a result, this study used case studies of Gauteng Province (South Africa) to explore the types of crimes experienced. The qualitative research approach, supported by the case study research design and exploratory research objectives were employed. For data collection, unstructured face-to-face interviews and literature sources, including scholarly books, internet resources, academic publications, newspapers and unstructured face-to-face interviews were adopted. This study was confined to the four (4) clusters attached to Gauteng Province. About thirty (30) participants, involving the following key stakeholders, secondary school (grade twelve - 12) principals, deputy principals, educators, learner representative council members, and School Governing Body (SGB) chairpersons were selected using non-probability: Purposive sampling method. The collected data sets were analysed using inductive Thematic Content Analysis (TCA). The findings reveal substandard safety and security measures in schools, particularly in township areas (clusters 1, 2 and 3) affirms, whereas cluster 4 demonstrates more effective security due to the use of private security services. The study recommends the establishment of robust safety and security measures, leveraging reputable security institutions and multi-disciplinary crime-prevention strategies, tailored to the specific risks and potential returns on investment, these attempts could possibly respond to different types of crimes witnessed in South African secondary schools and inform the existing legislative frameworks, policies and strategies against the identified crimes.
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