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Aila Azzura
Raniya Putri Andika
Aditya Pratama Silalahi
Aisyah Nur Ramadhani
Dina Tasya
This study attempts to analyze the influence of the artificial intelligence recommendation system in enhancing students' interest in learning among twelfth graders at Al-Azhar Medan High School. The research design used in this study is quantitative, and the sampling utilized in the research is a random sampling technique, whereby 133 students were selected from the total population of 200. Data measurement was conducted through questionnaires, which measured the interest in learning before and after the use of the AI-based recommendation system. In this regard, we used a paired t-test to prove the significant difference in students' interest in learning. The test showed that our results prove that students have higher learning interest after implementation compared to before; on average, the score has changed from 3.2 to 4.3. As a result, it is expected that this research will contribute to developing educational technology in Indonesia.
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