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Abiyyu Harits Rabbani
Alya Sabrina Boru Sinuraya
Muhammad Al-Farisi Hasibuan
Muhammad Zein Hawwari Nasution
Rechvi Dimaz Anandya
Risna Mira Bella Saragih
This study aims to explore the impact of the implementation of the culture-based learning model, in the context of the Maimun Palace, on the interest in learning mathematics of high school students. Using a qualitative method, data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to grade XII students of Al-Azhar High School Medan. The results of the study show that this learning model is able to significantly increase students' interest in learning. Students who engaged in Mathematics learning reported increased satisfaction, enthusiasm, and comprehension of mathematics material, compared to traditional lecture methods. In addition, this culture-based learning encourages active interaction between students and teachers, as well as collaboration between students, thereby creating a more dynamic and inclusive learning atmosphere. This study concludes that the Mathematics approach, which integrates elements of local culture, can be an effective alternative learning method to increase students' interest and understanding in mathematics.
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