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Keisha Madiara
Anfarin Digna Sayyidah
Shofi Atha Muhami
Nayla Idriani Tanjung
Chartinnez Shafira Wallad
This study analyzes the relationship between loneliness and nomophobia levels in grade XII students of SMA Unggulan Al-Azhar Medan. Nomophobia, anxiety related to smartphone dependence, and loneliness as a feeling of social isolation, were measured using the Nomophobia scale and the UCLA Loneliness Scale. The quantitative survey method involved 133 respondents with the results showing a significant positive relationship between nomophobia and loneliness (r = 0.67, p < 0.01). The majority of respondents showed high levels of nomophobia and moderate loneliness. These findings highlight the need for interventions to manage smartphone use and improve adolescent mental well-being.
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