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Feri Ferdian
Hendri Azwar
Nidia Wulansari
Tourism is one of the industries that has made extensive use of social media marketing. Because tourism and visitors of all ages cannot be separated, the penetration of social media advertising is very high and widely used. Social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tiktok, Google, YouTube, and a few others are widely recognized as important marketing tools, and tourism operators frequently use them to promote and update visitors on new attractions, promotions, and events in tourism destinations. Despite this progress, there are still few studies on social media dealing with tourism promotions and tourists' desire to visit, especially in Angso Duo Island as a study contextual setting. This study looks into the impact of tourism destination promotion on social media on tourists' desire to visit Angso Duo Island. The respondents in this study are over the age of 17 and frequently use social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and others. 237 survey questionnaires were successfully collected via online survey using a Google form. Some useful insights were obtained through statistical analysis. The findings revealed that it is a sign of the influence of social media tourism destination promotion on tourists' desire to visit Angso Duo Island. The majority of respondents agree on all of the dimensions that comprise tourism destination promotion in social media attributes. As a result, social media plays an important role in today's era as one of the media to promote tourism destinations and may encourage individual tourists to visit the destination.
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