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Evelia Khalisa Diara Nasution
Zhafirah Nailatul Izzah
Carissa Anjani Azalia
Syaluna Jiniandra
Muhammad Rizky Al-Zaky
Literacy education for children today will be very useful in the future of the child. Literacy is the ability to read and write a person, literacy is very much needed in terms of life because literacy can also be interpreted as a person's skills in life. Literacy habits must be done at the earliest possible age so that children's interest in reading will be easier to form later. This literacy habit must also be supported by providing special treatment to children. This study aims to increase the concern of tutors about the importance of this special treatment. This study uses a questionnaire method that is given directly to 4th grade children with the aim of finding out which method should be given to children through children's interests. That way, children will grasp the lessons given faster and be interested in following the learning. In this study, it was concluded that children's interest in picture books was higher than black and white books.
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