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This study aims to analyze and examine the effect of product quality and brand image on purchasing decisions for lemang shells in the city of cliffs. The population in this study were all consumers of Lemang Batok Cliff City, totaling 96 people. The source of data in this study comes from primary data, namely the results of a questionnaire/questionnaire that is filled in directly by the respondent. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1.) The first hypothesis proposed states that the first hypothesis is accepted, meaning that the Product Quality variable (X1) has an effect on the Purchase Decision variable (Y). (2.) The second hypothesis proposed states that both are rejected, meaning that the Brand Image variable (X2) has no effect on the Purchase Decision variable (Y). (3. ) The third hypothesis proposed states that the variable Product Quality (X1) and Brand Image (X2) have an effect on the Purchasing Decision variable (Y). Keywords: Product Quality, Brand Image and Purchase Decision
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<strong>International Review of Practical Innovation, Technology And Green Energy (IRPITAGE)</strong> is a scientific journal that presents the results of scientific works sourced from Community Service in Indonesia. Contains All Forms of Novelty Innovations in both scientific science and technology, as well as issues of limited energy and the social environment in society.This journal is intended as a medium for scientific studies of research results from implementation to the community, thoughts and critical-analytic studies on various issues that can be utilized both nationally and internationally. The scientific article is in the form of a study of the implementation of Community Service that can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally. IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika as part of the spirit of disseminating knowledge resulting from community service carried out by researchers in Indonesia. The IRPITAGE Journal from Radja Publika provides articles that can be downloaded for free. With a schedule of publications 3 (three) times a year.