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Zahida Jan
Afshana Magrey
Ivan Illich’s "Deschooling Society" presents a radical critique of traditional education systems, advocating for their dismantling and the adoption of a decentralized, learner-centric model. Illich's arguments against the institutionalization of education, the hidden curriculum, and the monopoly of formal schooling remain relevant in today's educational discourse. The advent of digital technology personalized learning, and alternative education models such as homeschooling and unschooling, echo Illich’s vision by promoting self-directed, lifelong learning. Critical pedagogy and community-based learning networks further align with his call for more participatory and egalitarian education. However, challenges such as ensuring equity, scalability, and socialization persist, requiring thoughtful implementation of Illich’s ideas. As modern education grapples with issues of accessibility and relevance, Illich’s work inspires ongoing critical examination and innovation. His vision challenges us to create educational environments that empower individuals, foster creativity, and address social inequalities, thus contributing to a more just and liberated society.
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